Home Forums Themes Support Gecko can't get rid of post date totally…

Topic Resolution: Resolved
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    • #14514

      Dear JanStudio member;

      We asked several times for codes to remove blog post dates site wide. First it was removed from blog main page, than also from post detail topic area. The last try was to remove the date from the “relevant posts section” on the post detail page.

      The last code worked for blog detail page. But now the date on the blog  detail page’s title area is back :/

      We want to get rid of all the dates, site wide. Please help.


      all the code you sent -and now in the custom css area is- is here:


      .product_meta span.sku_wrapper { display: none;}

      .product_meta span.sku_wrapper { display: none;}@media only screen and (min-width: 1025px) { .jas-push-menu-btn { display: none;}}html[lang=”tr-TR”]

      .product-category h2::before,html[lang=”tr-TR”]

      .product-category h3::before {  content: “kullanmaya başla”;}html[lang=”tr-TR”]

      .product-category h2::after,html[lang=”tr-TR”]

      .product-category h3::after { left: 160px;}

      .product-category h2::before, .product-category h3::before { white-space: nowrap;}

      .posted-on, .post-info span,

      .post-meta .author, .post-meta .comment-number { display: none;}h3

      .product-title, .woocommerce h3.product-title {text-transform: none;}

      .post-related .item span.f__libre {display: none;}

    • #14544


      I checked your site it now can’t access.

      You can hide the date on post detail by add more custom css code

      .jas-container .entry-date { display: none;}

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #14595

      Thank you. It worked.

      We had an attack, and canceled all the low security user accounts, changed all the passwords. Thats why the site was unreachable.

      Best regards 🙂

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