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    • #5125

      how can I change the height of the Meta Slide? I tried to change the settings in the Meta Slider menu (I tried with the default values 1170×500 and with my image values 1920×1080) but the slider is always around 1000px in desktop format, and I’d like to have only 500px…
      Do I need to change the CSS?


    • #5126

      For this case, Could you please give me your website URL? I will take a look and help you solve this issue

      – Foster

    • #5145

      My website is not online yet.

      Here are 2 screenshots. On the first one, the settings of the slide, on the second one, the rendering on my local website.

      As you can see on the settings, the height must be 500px, on my website the slide is more than 1000px. My image is 1920×1080. Does it mean that the settings don’t work? What can I do to have a slider with a height at 500px on desktop and mobile, like this website for exemple https://www.dilldoll.co.uk?


    • #5146

      Let me to check once again, and inform you to know when it’s done

      – Foster

      • #5151

        Hi Foster,

        any news about my problem?


    • #5154


      This issue because you set the slider full width, the image of slider will be fit with your screen. With your case if you want your slider only have height 500px you should set up your slider is 1920 x 500 http://take.ms/Wz78u

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

      • #5158

        Hi Harry,

        thanks for you reply.

        It’s ok for the desktop format, but I’d like to have a mobile slider with height at around 400px. On mobile, the default format is very very small. I know it keeps the proportions, but is it possible to crop the image and to have more height?


    • #5200


      Sorry for late reply.

      With your case if you want make slider height on mobile to 400px you image will be distort. Because the image doesn’t keep original ratio.

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

      • #5228


        I know the slider keeps proportions, I just want to trim the image. Have a look to my friend’s website https://www.dilldoll.co.uk with an another slider, the content is trimmed. Is it possible to have the same result with Meta Slider?


    • #5234

      Any solution?


    • #5235

      Sorry for late reply, we checked your friend site, they use another plugin for slider.

      This plugin use image as background so on small screen it can trim the image.

      The meta slider plugin one slider is image content so it can’t trim like background.

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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