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    • #15880

      Hi dear Harry,

      Hope you are having a nice day.

      Just a simple question.

      My Store after developing will not have any page with the url : look.ir/shop

      When the card pop up is available , the user after adding the product to the basket has two options!

      On of them goes to look.ir/checkout , which is fine.

      But the other one goes to the look.ir/shop ( which I will never have )

      How can I change this url? Or is there any chance for the user that when he presses this button , the pop up closes and he stays in the current page and continue shopping from where he was there!


      Rahim Vaziri
      CEO & Founder at Look.ir

    • #15890

      Hi Rahim,

      Sorry because inconvenience.

      It now can’t change link of Continue Shopping button, it only way to hide this button by add custom css

      .cart__popup-action { display: inline-block; width: 100%;}
      .cart__popup-action a:first-child {display: none;}
      .cart__popup-action a.checkout-button {float: right;}

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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