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Home Forums Themes Support Gecko Disable Ajax add to cart

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    • #32002
      Support Expired


      I’m trying to add Gravity forms to provide a custom field for customers to add comments to a product when they order it.

      I’ve implemented the form, but the theme is not allowing the metadata to be passed through to the cart or on the order.

      Here is what the developer of the plugin has said whilst trying to fix the metadata issue.


      “The issue with the data not being carried over is because of the themes use of AJAX add to cart when clicking the add to cart button.  This is a problem feature that this theme includes, but don’t’ not fully account for extensions such as Gravity Forms Product Addons adding more data to the WC product.   I checked their documentation on how to disable feature but do not see anything about that option.   Unfortunately  you will need to reach out to the theme authors to see if they can let you know how to disable the AJAX add to Cart. “





    • #32004
      Support Expired

      Hi Cam,

      Please go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Add to cart behavior and uncheck 2 last fields.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

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