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Home Forums Themes Support Claue Media galery uplad . fixed – nevermind

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    • #33517
      Support Expired


      I am having problems uploading product images into media library. It used to go without a problem now suddenly i can’t upload images the size of 200kb with over 2gb of free space. When i try to upload a small image 50k it goes ok, max_file_upload is at 32M. I am toaly clueless and the project is standing still.

      I have all my fodlder 755 and files 644…

      I am also getting an error when trying to instal any additional plugin

      PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature

      What could that be?

      Tursn out my account was out of space, not the whole server…changed account values and voila.

    • #33522
      Support Expired

      Hi Nida,

      Thank you for choose our theme.

      Glad to hear you fixed problem.

      Could you share your solution?


      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

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