Home Forums Themes Support Claue Product image size guidance

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    • #13216


      We have just started building our site.

      Our product images are 1800*1270 (horizontal orientation) and  1920 × 2720 (vertical orientation).

      Our questions:

      1. To increase or reduce zoom, do we need to increase (decrease) the resolution? We wanted to know if this is the only way to change zoom levels or if there is any other way via code for example.
      2. Do we need to change woocommerce product size settings to make your theme work better? Our present woocommerce settings attached to this post. Please provide us recommended sizes if you think anything needs to be changed.


      Thank you in advance 🙂


      Team ArtK

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    • #13219

      We forgot to add, we are also considering 1920*1355 (Horizontal orientation) product images. Basically, we are resizing with width 1920 and height auto to maintain aspect ratio. Hence, most of our images have 1 side fixed length (1920px). Since these are images of artworks, the images are either horizontal or vertical but 1 side is always 1920 px.

      From our experience, the dimensions mentioned in this post are mostly same or very very close to these.


    • #13237


      We recommend change product images size have same ratio with your original images to save your site speed

      If your original images is: 1920*1355 the recommend size is

      Catalog Images: 370 x 261

      Single Product Image: 570 x 402

      Thumbnail image: 160 x 112

      After that go to Tools > Regenerate Thumbnails

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #13243

      Dear Harry,

      We did not understand the maths 🙁 You asked us to maintain the same ratio between full sized images and woocommerce product display setting?

      If our images are 1920*2720 and 1920*1355 (we use 2 type of images) an example good ratio for thumbnail is 192*272?  (we divided by 100)

      Could you please explain how 160*112 is proportional to 1920*2720? I think we are misunderstanding something.

      Also, you forgot to answer about the zoom 🙂

      Thanks a lot Harry.

      Best regards,

      Team Artk

    • #13251


      I think I figured out the maths:

      Since, 1920/1355=1.416

      Catalog Images: 370 /261=1.417

      Single Product Image: 570 / 402=1.417

      Thumbnail image: 160 / 112=1.428

      Please confirm that we are correct 🙂 So, your advise is to maintain the aspect ratio of original image with the woo-commerce back end such that the images generated are nearest to the required size by the theme claue?

      So, the sizes you gave are the maximum that claue template requires to function properly?

      Hence, final questions:

      1. Could you please let us know the 3 MAXIMUM sizes that calue needs to function properly. (Catalog Images, Single Product Image and Thumbnail image). eg: If you say calue needs 800*1000, we will keep our sizes nearest to it?
      2. Please let us know about the zoom (how it functions). We believe that to increase zoom, we need to increase resolution. Please confirm if we are right.

      Thanks a lot for your kind support 🙂

      Have a good morning 😉

      Best regards,

      Team ArtK


    • #13277

      Dear Team ArtK,

      1.Yes, you correct.

      Since, 1920/1355=1.416

      Catalog Images: 370 /261=1.417

      Single Product Image: 570 / 402=1.417

      Thumbnail image: 160 / 112=1.428

      2. I give you minimum product images size, you can make maximum to any number as you want but i recommend use the images near with minimum to save your bandwidth and site speed. Product image should be around 1200*846

      3. The zoom level will defend on the ratio of original images:single product image (1920:570 or 1200:570 if you crop to 1200 to save your site bandwidth)

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #13306

      Thanks a lot Harry 🙂

      Have a nice day and excellent support. We finish our website launch and will write a fantastic review (we cannot write immediately as our company policy is to write only after use of product) as your theme is outstanding and so is your support.

      We already recommended your theme to others 🙂


      Team ArtK

    • #13343

      You’re welcome and thank you so much!

      Feel free contact us again if you need more help.

      Have a nice day!

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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