Home Forums Themes Support Claue-Shopify Products related strange image size

Topic Resolution: Resolved
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    • #23133

      Hello, i have a problem with the featured product pictures. The images are very small and on the demo the images are normal.

      Can you help me please, thanks in advance 🙂

    • #23153

      Hi Guigui,

      Please add below code to Theme Cusomize > Theme Settings > Custom Code > Custom CSS

      .slick-list {width: 100%;}

      And replace code in sections > product-related.liquid with below code

      {% if section.settings.show_related_products == true %}
      <div class="mb__60 related-products" data-section-id="{{ section.id }}" data-section-type="product-related" data-enable-history-state="true">
      	{%- assign container = section.settings.full_width -%}
      	{% assign number_of_related_products_per_row = section.settings.related_grid_num | plus: 0 %}
      	{% assign heading = section.settings.related_title %}
      	{% assign same_vendor = false %}
      	{% assign same_type = false %}
      	{% assign counter = 0 %}
      	{% assign exclusions = 'frontpage,all' | split: ',' %}
      	{% if product.metafields.c_f['Related Products'] %}
      		{% assign collection = collections[product.metafields.c_f['Related Products']] %}
      	{% endif %}
      	{% assign found_a_collection = false %}
      	{% if collection and collection.all_products_count > 1 %}
      		{% unless exclusions contains collection.handle %}
      			{% assign found_a_collection = true %}
      		{% endunless %}
      	{% endif %}
      	{% unless found_a_collection %}
      		{% for c in product.collections %}
      			{% unless exclusions contains c.handle or c.all_products_count < 2 %}
      				{% assign found_a_collection = true %}
      				{% assign collection = c %}
      				{% break %}
      			{% endunless %}
      		{% endfor %}
      	{% endunless %}
      	{% if found_a_collection %}
      		{% assign current_product = product %}
      		{% capture related_items %}
      			{% for product in collection.products %}
      				{% unless product.handle == current_product.handle %}
      					{% unless same_vendor and current_product.vendor != product.vendor %}
      						{% unless same_type and current_product.type != product.type %}
      							{% assign counter = forloop.length | minus: 1 %}
      							<div class="jas-col-xs-12">
      								{% include 'product-grid-item' %}
      						{% endunless %}
      					{% endunless %}
      				{% endunless %}
      			{% endfor %}
      		{% endcapture %}
      		{% assign related_items = related_items | trim %}
      		{% unless related_items == blank %}
      			{% capture slick %}
      				data-slick='{"slidesToShow": {{ number_of_related_products_per_row }}, "slidesToScroll": {{ number_of_related_products_per_row }}, "dots": true, "arrows": false, {% if settings.enable_rtl %}"rtl": true, {% endif %}"responsive":[{"breakpoint": 1024,"settings":{"slidesToShow": 3, "slidesToScroll": 3}}, {"breakpoint": 569,"settings":{"slidesToShow": 2, "slidesToScroll": 2}}]}'
      			{% endcapture %}
      			{% assign slick_class = ' slick' %}
      			{% unless container %}<div class="jas-container">{% endunless %}
      				{% unless heading == blank %}
      					<div class="section-header center-xs">
      						<h2 class="pr dib fs__24 mg__0 fs__14">{{ heading }}</h1>
      				{% endunless %}
      				<div class="jas-row{{ slick_class }}" {{ slick }}>
      					{{ related_items }}
      			{% unless container %}</div>{% endunless %}
      		{% endunless %}
      	{% endif %}
      {% endif %}
      {% schema %}
      		"name": "Related products",
      		"settings": [
      				"type": "checkbox",
      				"id": "show_related_products",
      				"label": "Show related products",
      				"default": false
      				"type": "checkbox",
      				"id": "full_width",
      				"label": "Full width section?"
      				"id": "related_title",
      				"type": "text",
      				"label": "Section title",
      				"default": "Other fine products"
      				"type": "select",
      				"id": "related_grid_num",
      				"label": "Products per row",
      				"default": "4",
      				"options": [
      						"value": "2",
      						"label": "2"
      						"value": "3",
      						"label": "3"
      						"value": "4",
      						"label": "4"
      						"value": "6",
      						"label": "6"
      {% endschema %}

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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