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Home Forums Themes Support Gecko translations and breadcrumbs

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    • #39457
      Support Expired


      We have translated the theme but there are some translations that we have to do by hand because they have not been done automatically. Could you tell us in which file, to make them without having to install any plugin?

      We also want to know if there is a way for the categories to take the same image of the breadcrumbs from the rest of the web, because by default it takes resized photos of the categories and it looks bad.

      Thanks, regards

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    • #39462
      Support Expired

      Hi Norden,

      Thank you for choose our theme.

      1. Please add below code to JanStudio > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS

      .product-category h2:before,
      .product-category h3:before  {
      	content: 'Shop now';

      and change the text as you want

      For the text “Add to wishlist” you can change in YITH > Wishlist

      2. The dimension for breadcrumbs image i recommend use 1920px x 200px

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #39527
      Support Expired

      Hi again,

      I didn’t ask for the breadcrumbs size, I know the size, but thanks.

      I explained that in all pages we’re using one breadcrumbs image (screensho1), but in the shop categories it takes the breadcrumbs image from that categories as you can see in screenshot2 (the image we uploaded for the categories of the homepage – screenshot3) and it is not an image that is intended to be used in breadcrumbs, so it resizes it and it looks bad. We would like to know if in those pages we could get the same image of crumbs as the rest of the web.


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    • #39535
      Support Expired

      Hi Norden,

      Please add below code to gecko-child > functions.php

      if ( ! function_exists( 'jas_gecko_custom_css' ) ) {
      	function jas_gecko_custom_css( $css = array() ) {
      		// Content width
      		$content_width = cs_get_option( 'content-width' );
      		if ( $content_width != '1170' ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				@media only screen and (min-width: 75em) {
      					.jas-container {
      						width: ' . esc_attr( $content_width ) . ( ! is_numeric( $content_width ) ? '' : 'px' ) . ';
      		// Logo width
      		$logo_width = cs_get_option( 'logo-max-width' );
      		if ( ! empty( $logo_width ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				.jas-branding {
      					max-width: ' . esc_attr( $logo_width ) . 'px;
      					margin: auto;
      		// Header layout 6 background
      		$header_bg = cs_get_option( 'header-bg' );
      		if ( ! empty( $header_bg['image'] ) ) {
      			$css[] = '.header-6 .header__mid, .header-7 {';
      				$css[] = '
      					background-image:  url(' .  esc_url( $header_bg['image'] ) . ');
      					background-size:       ' .  $header_bg['size'] .       ';
      					background-repeat:     ' .  $header_bg['repeat'] .     ';
      					background-position:   ' .  $header_bg['position'] .   ';
      					background-attachment: ' .  $header_bg['attachment'] . ';
      				if ( ! empty( $header_bg['color'] ) ) {
      					$css[] = 'background-color: ' .  $header_bg['color'] .';';
      			$css[] = '}';
      			$css[] = '
      				.header-6 .header__mid:before {
      					content: "";
      					position: absolute;
      					background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .85);
      					left: 0;
      					top: 0;
      					width: 100%;
      					height: 100%;
      					z-index: 0;
      				.header-6 .header__mid .jas-branding, .header-7 .jas-branding {
      					position: relative;
      		// Boxed layout
      		$boxed_bg = cs_get_option( 'boxed-bg' );
      		if ( ! empty( $boxed_bg['image'] ) ) {
      			$css[] = '.boxed {';
      				$css[] = '
      					background-image:  url(' .  esc_url( $boxed_bg['image'] ) . ');
      					background-size:       ' .  $boxed_bg['size'] .       ';
      					background-repeat:     ' .  $boxed_bg['repeat'] .     ';
      					background-position:   ' .  $boxed_bg['position'] .   ';
      					background-attachment: ' .  $boxed_bg['attachment'] . ';
      				if ( ! empty( $boxed_bg['color'] ) ) {
      					$css[] = 'background-color: ' .  $boxed_bg['color'] .';';
      			$css[] = '}';
      		// WC page title
      		$wc_head_bg = cs_get_option( 'wc-pagehead-bg' );
      		if ( ( function_exists( 'is_shop' ) && is_shop() || function_exists( 'is_product' ) && is_product() ) && ! empty( $wc_head_bg ) ) {
      			$css[] = '.jas-wc .page-head, .jas-wc-single .page-head {';
      				$css[] = '
      					background-image:  url(' .  esc_url( $wc_head_bg['image'] ) . ');
      					background-size:       ' .  $wc_head_bg['size'] .       ';
      					background-repeat:     ' .  $wc_head_bg['repeat'] .     ';
      					background-position:   ' .  $wc_head_bg['position'] .   ';
      					background-attachment: ' .  $wc_head_bg['attachment'] . ';
      				if ( ! empty( $wc_head_bg['color'] ) ) {
      					$css[] = 'background-color: ' .  $wc_head_bg['color'] .';';
      				if ( cs_get_option( 'wc-page-title-pdt' ) ) {
      					$css[] = 'padding-top: ' .  cs_get_option( 'wc-page-title-pdt' ) .'px;';
      				if ( cs_get_option( 'wc-page-title-pdb' ) ) {
      					$css[] = 'padding-bottom: ' .  cs_get_option( 'wc-page-title-pdb' ) .'px;';
      			$css[] = '}';
      		} elseif ( function_exists( 'is_product_category' ) && is_product_category() ) {
      			global $wp_query;
      			$cat = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
      			$thumbnail_id = get_term_meta( $cat->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true );
      			$tmp = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $thumbnail_id,'full' );
      			if ( !empty( $tmp ) )  {
      				$css[] = '.jas-wc .page-head {';
      					$css[] = '
      						background-image:  url(' . esc_url( $wc_head_bg['image'] ) . ');
      						background-size: cover;
      				$css[] = '}';
      		// Portfolio page title
      		$portfolio_head_bg = cs_get_option( 'portfolio-pagehead-bg' );
      		if ( ! empty( $portfolio_head_bg['image'] ) ) {
      			$css[] = '.jas-portfolio .page-head {';
      				$css[] = '
      					background-image:  url(' .  esc_url( $portfolio_head_bg['image'] ) . ');
      					background-size:       ' .  $portfolio_head_bg['size'] .       ';
      					background-repeat:     ' .  $portfolio_head_bg['repeat'] .     ';
      					background-position:   ' .  $portfolio_head_bg['position'] .   ';
      					background-attachment: ' .  $portfolio_head_bg['attachment'] . ';
      				if ( ! empty( $portfolio_head_bg['color'] ) ) {
      					$css[] = 'background-color: ' .  $portfolio_head_bg['color'] .';';
      			$css[] = '}';
      		// Footer background
      		$footer_bg = cs_get_option( 'footer-bg' );
      		if ( ! empty( $footer_bg['image'] ) ) {
      			$css[] = '.footer__top {';
      				$css[] = '
      					background-image:  url(' .  esc_url( $footer_bg['image'] ) . ')     ;
      					background-size:       ' .  esc_attr( $footer_bg['size'] ) .       ';
      					background-repeat:     ' .  esc_attr( $footer_bg['repeat'] ) .     ';
      					background-position:   ' .  esc_attr( $footer_bg['position'] ) .   ';
      					background-attachment: ' .  esc_attr( $footer_bg['attachment'] ) . ';
      				if ( ! empty( $footer_bg['color'] ) ) {
      					$css[] = 'background-color: ' .  $footer_bg['color'] .';';
      			$css[] = '}';
      		// Maintenance background
      		$offline = cs_get_option( 'maintenance-bg' );
      		if ( ! empty( $offline['image'] ) ) {
      			$css[] = '.jas-offline-content {';
      				$css[] = '
      					background-image:  url(' .  esc_url( $offline['image'] ) . ')     ;
      					background-size:       ' .  esc_attr( $offline['size'] ) .       ';
      					background-repeat:     ' .  esc_attr( $offline['repeat'] ) .     ';
      					background-position:   ' .  esc_attr( $offline['position'] ) .   ';
      					background-attachment: ' .  esc_attr( $offline['attachment'] ) . ';
      				if ( ! empty( $offline['color'] ) ) {
      					$css[] = 'background-color: ' .  $offline['color'] .';';
      			$css[] = '}';
      		// Typography
      		$body_font    = cs_get_option( 'body-font' );
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      		$css[] = 'body {';
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      				$css[] = '
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      				$css[] = '
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      				$css[] = '
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      				$css[] = '
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      				$css[] = '
      					font-weight: 900;
      					font-style: italic;
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      				$css[] = 'font-weight: 400;';
      			} elseif ( 'italic' == $body_font['variant'] ) {
      				$css[] = 'font-style: italic;';
      			} else {
      				$css[] = 'font-weight:' . $body_font['variant'] . ';';
      			// Body font size
      			if ( cs_get_option( 'body-font-size' ) ) {
      				$css[] = 'font-size:' . cs_get_option( 'body-font-size' ) . 'px;';
      			// Body background color
      			if ( cs_get_option( 'body-background-color' ) ) {
      				$css[] = 'background-color: ' .	esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'body-background-color' ) ) . ';';
      			// Body color
      			if ( cs_get_option( 'body-color' ) ) {
      				$css[] = 'color:' . cs_get_option( 'body-color' ) . ';';
      		$css[] = '}';
      		$css[] = 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .f__mont {';
      			$css[] = 'font-family: "' . $heading_font['family'] . '";';
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      				$css[] = '
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      				$css[] = '
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      				$css[] = 'font-weight: 400;';
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      				$css[] = 'font-style: italic;';
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      				$css[] = 'font-weight:' . $heading_font['variant'];
      		$css[] = '}';
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'heading-color' ) ) {
      			$css[] = 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {';
      				$css[] = 'color:' . cs_get_option( 'heading-color' );
      			$css[] = '}';
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      			$css[] = 'h1 { font-size:' . cs_get_option( 'h1-font-size' ) . 'px; }';
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      			$css[] = 'h3 { font-size:' . cs_get_option( 'h3-font-size' ) . 'px; }';
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      			$css[] = 'h4 { font-size:' . cs_get_option( 'h4-font-size' ) . 'px; }';
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      			$css[] = 'h5 { font-size:' . cs_get_option( 'h5-font-size' ) . 'px; }';
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      			$css[] = 'h6 { font-size:' . cs_get_option( 'h6-font-size' ) . 'px; }';
      		// Primary color
      		$primary_color = cs_get_option( 'primary-color' );
      		if ( $primary_color ) {
      			$css[] = '
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      				#jas-mobile-menu ul > li.current-menu-parent  > .holder,
      				#jas-mobile-menu ul > li.current-menu-ancestor > .holder,
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      				.header-7 #jas-mobile-menu ul ul {
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      				#jas-backtop span:before,
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      				.product-image:hover .product-button a:hover,
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      				.btn-atc .yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist a:hover,
      				.entry-summary .single_add_to_cart_button,
      				.entry-summary .external_single_add_to_cart_button,
      				.jas-service[class*="icon-"] .icon:before,
      				.metaslider .flexslider .flex-prev, 
      				.metaslider .flexslider .flex-next,
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      			$css[] = '
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      				.widget a,
      				.product-category h3 .count,
      				.widget ul.product-categories li a,
      				.widget ul.product_list_widget li a span.product-title,
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      				.product-image .product-attr,
      				.product_meta > span,
      				.shop_table th,
      				.order-total td,
      				.jas-sc-blog .post-info h4 a {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( $secondary_color ) . ';
      				.error-404.not-found a,
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      					border-color: ' . esc_attr( $secondary_color ) . ';
      				.error-404.not-found a:hover,
      				#wp-calendar caption,
      				.widget .tagcloud a,
      				.woocommerce .widget_layered_nav ul.yith-wcan-label li a:hover,
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      				.woocommerce-page .widget_layered_nav ul.yith-wcan-label li.chosen a,
      				.jas-mini-cart .button,
      				.sidebar .widget_shopping_cart .button,
      				.actions .button.apply-cupon,
      				.actions .button.update-cart,
      				.button.continue-button {
      					background-color: ' . esc_attr( $secondary_color ) . ';
      		// Secondary color
      		$header_top_color = cs_get_option( 'header-top-color' );
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      			$css[] = '
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      				.jas-socials a {
      					border-color: ' . esc_attr( $header_top_color ) . ';
      		// Header color
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      			$css[] = '#jas-header { background-color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'header-background' ) ) . '}';
      		// Header top
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      			$css[] = '.header__top { background-color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'header-top-background' ) ) . '}';
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      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'header-icons-color' ) ) . ';
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      				.jas-menu li > a:hover,
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      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'main-menu-hover-color' ) ) . ';
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      			$css[] = '
      				.jas-menu ul li a:hover {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'sub-menu-hover-color' ) ) . ';
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      			$css[] = '
      				.jas-menu ul, .jas-account-menu ul {
      					background: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'sub-menu-background-color' ) ) . ';
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      			$css[] = '
      				.header__transparent .jas-menu > li > a {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'transparent-main-menu-color' ) ) . ';
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      			$css[] = '
      				.header__transparent .jas-menu > li > a:hover {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'transparent-main-menu-hover-color' ) ) . ';
      		// Header Sticky color
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'header-sticky-background' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '.header-sticky .header__mid { background-color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'header-sticky-background' ) ) . '}';
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'sticky-main-menu-color' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				.header-sticky .jas-menu > li > a {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'sticky-main-menu-color' ) ) . ';
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'sticky-main-menu-hover-color' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				.header-sticky .jas-menu li > a:hover,
      				.header-sticky .jas-menu li.current-menu-ancestor > a,
      				.header-sticky .jas-menu li.current-menu-item > a,
      				.header-sticky .jas-account-menu a:hover {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'sticky-main-menu-hover-color' ) ) . ';
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'sticky-sub-menu-color' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				.header-sticky .jas-menu ul a, .header-sticky .jas-account-menu ul a {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'sticky-sub-menu-color' ) ) . ';
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'sticky-sub-menu-color-hover' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				.header-sticky .jas-menu ul li a:hover {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'sticky-sub-menu-color-hover' ) ) . ';
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'sticky-sub-menu-background-color' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				.header-sticky .jas-menu ul, .header-sticky .jas-account-menu ul {
      					background: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'sticky-sub-menu-background-color' ) ) . ';
      		// Header Header Sticky Icons color
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'header-sticky-icons-color' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				.header-sticky .jas-action > a, .header-sticky .jas-icon-cart a, .header-sticky .jas-my-account a {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'header-sticky-icons-color' ) ) . ';
      		// Footer color
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'footer-background' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				#jas-footer:before {
      					background: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'footer-background' ) ) . ';
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'footer-bottom-background' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				.footer__bot {
      					background: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'footer-bottom-background' ) ) . ';
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'footer-color' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				#jas-footer {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'footer-color' ) ) . ';
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'footer-link-color' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				#jas-footer a {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'footer-link-color' ) ) . ';
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'footer-color-hover' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				#jas-footer a:hover {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'footer-color-hover' ) ) . ';
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'footer-bottom-color-hover' ) ) {
      			$css[] = '
      				#jas-footer .footer__bot a:hover {
      					color: ' . esc_attr( cs_get_option( 'footer-bottom-color-hover' ) ) . ';
      		// Custom css
      		if ( cs_get_option( 'custom-css' ) ) {
      			$css[] = cs_get_option( 'custom-css' );
      		return preg_replace( '/\n|\t/i', '', implode( '', $css ) );

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #39622
      Support Expired


      Where can I hide the size guide and the tags cloud?




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    • #39624
      Support Expired

      Hi Norden,

      1. You can hide Size Guide by go to Gecko > Theme Option > WooCommerce > Product Detail Settings > Size Guide Image and remove image

      2. Please go to Appearance > Widgets > WooCommerce Sidebar and remove cloud tag widget.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

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