Home Forums Themes Support Claue WP Backery switch Divi builder

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    • #36785

      Hi, I contacted you on Themeforest and you sent me here.

      As I told you, I preferred to go under Divi builder rather than to follow you under Elementor. I made a copy of my site to make this transition. However, an error code is displayed on the pages (Lookbook and Presses) using the shorcode to display the albums in the portfolio. And for Projects page (Divi) I don’t have the possibility of choosing the layout, the display of the title or the breadcrumb.

      Best regards

    • #36796


      I check the page and see you move Page Layout Option to bottom https://prnt.sc/sxwugc

      Btw, your support expired. Please renew your support at https://themeforest.net/item/claue-clean-minimal-woocommerce-theme/18929281 that will help us continue develop new features and update our theme.

      Thanks and regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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