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    • #1003

      when i login in it show me “Generally a 406 error is caused because a request has been blocked by Mod Security. If you believe that your request has been blocked by mistake please contact the web site owner.”     What should I do?


      When i register a new account, the process is too complex, how to make it simple like your demo website, like verify email

    • #1004

      Hi Mickey,

      Did you install any security plugin to “Login Temporarily” on your site ?

      And next question: What exactly do you want ?


    • #1005

      let`s fix the first question at first. no more login in plugin

      and i disalbe Mod Security, it still not work, but after that, when i add my ip to the white list , it works. But as you know, it is a forum, i can not add all ip.

      [Tue Nov 29 19:39:38.084461 2016] [:error] [pid 688002:tid 140365299603200] [client] ModSecurity: Access denied with code 406 (phase 2). Operator GE matched 1 at TX:brute. [file “/usr/local/apache/conf/modsec-imh/40_wordpress.conf”] [line “27”] [id “13052”] [msg “POST to wp-login.php without redirect_to”] [severity “WARNING”] [tag “WEB_ATTACK/SHELL ACCESS”] [hostname “support.youforest.net”] [uri “/wp-login.php”] [unique_id “WD5J@sCR7yIACn@CH8UAAAgU”]


      this is apache log info, i hope this could help

    • #1006

      I think this issue related to config of your server. Can you please provide us temp WP admin account and Cpanel account ?

    • #1007
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    • #1008

      i fixed the first question. the second one

      when i register a new account, after this window, it could not generate a new account, it link to this page:

      .that means i have to register two time. I only want the first page, register first time for  a new account. how to do?


    • #1010
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    • #1011
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    • #1012


      This issue related to WP multisite, We need more time to check and fix. Please stay tuned and sorry for the unwanted inconvenience

    • #1014

      I test helpdesk in a new site(not multisite). new problem is , when i register , it always show that my purchase code is invalid. I test with my helpdesk purchase code. please tell me how to fix it ?thanks.

    • #1015


      Please disable CloudWork Verifi plugin

    • #1016

      but if i disable this plugin, how to verify customers?

    • #1017

      Your customers from Envato ?

    • #1018

      yes, i should first make sure they have bought my theme before i support theme , right?

    • #1019

      If your customer from Envato, please navigate to WP Settings / CloudWork Verifi and verify your account with API key. After that when your customer register account on your site, they need to type purchase code of your product

    • #1022

      where can i get my API key

    • #1023

      Go to Setting of envato account you will see API Keys section

    • #1040

      my contact support forum is like this. where is the switcher between visual and text at the top right?And if my customers post a new topics will I get email notification? I try to reply them from backstage> reply, but it replies as my customer account not my login in account,?

    • #1046


      1. You can install plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/image-upload-for-bbpress/ to have visual/text tab

      2. To get email you need try this tutorial http://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-send-email-in-wordpress-using-the-gmail-smtp-server/

      3. To get email notification you need install https://wordpress.org/plugins/bbpress-notify-nospam/

      and update setting in Settings > Forum >




      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #1059

      hi, i want to set document page, namely document.youforest.net/document to the static front page , how should i do?

    • #1072


      So sorry, this is impossible

    • #1073

      Hi again,

      I found a solution for this, you can read this article

      Displaying a Custom Post Type Archive on the Front Page

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