Home Forums Themes Support Gecko Double shop page

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    • #10393

      I have a problem. The Janstudio menu is duplicating my shop web page (“shop category filter”, I changed this name to “shop”, and the default “shop” page was replaced with “shop ex default” name).

      It was working well and I was working on the visual composer, it was perfect. But now in the last two days something changed. Now I have my shop page and the default shop page is duplicating the produtcs.

      I show you in the attachment


    • #10401


      I’m sorry, I don’t understand your mean. Could you please explain more? Where is the shop page? What does product duplicate?

      • #10406

        I would try to be clearer and I put new pictures.

        The “shop category filter” is working very well. It was not possible to apply the “shop category filter” in the Janstudio menu, so I replaced the shop page.

        When I replaced the shop page, the new one is working perfect, but the default one is now working under the other one duplicating the list.

        Thanks a lot

    • #10407


      The new Shop page you used the shortcode to render product, it’s not recommended for Shop page, because it does not have the pagination. If you still want to use the custom shop page, please change this one http://take.ms/2OYU9

      Best regards,

    • #10409

      Sorry I didnt real understand it. When I clear the cell, it works like a default shop page. When I put the “shopp” (shop category filter) works well, but in the final start again the default shop page. How can I delete the default shop, I really like the other filter.

      I have to tell you that for some days it was working perfect, but now the default shop list is there.

    • #10411


      I was thinking … Is it possible to use the default shop page, but only replace the filter catalog for the one that I want? With some CSS?


    • #10416


      1.Please add custom css in  JanStudio > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS

      .result-count-order { display: none;}

      2. Go to JanStudio > Theme Option > WooCommerce > Product Listing Settings > Select layout Mansory > Enable Isotope + enable categories filter after that switch change select layout to grid.

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #10471

      It worked perfect!

      thanks a lot

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