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    • #16835

      Hi and thank you for all your support

      1 Is it possible to make the principal menu as the same style of the shop top sidebar.

      2 I would like to make the page head shows only on woocommerce categories not in the shop page.

      3 How can I increase the size of the category page head


    • #16872


      1. I don’t really understand your point, could you please explain a little bit more

      2. Please use the custom CSS code below

      .post-type-archive.woocommerce .page-head { display: none; }


      3. Please use the custom CSS code below

      .page-head { padding: 100px 0; } /*Change 100 if you want*/

    • #16883

      there is a menu on shop page the shop top sidebar menu, I would like that the principal menu would be the same style

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