Home Forums Themes Support Claue-Shopify HOW CAN I EDITE THE COLOR OF A HEAD TXET

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    • #20117

      Thank you for the great Theme .. but i would to know how can i change the color, for example ( Summer sale discount off <span style=”color: #ff0000;”>25%</span>! Shop Now) how can i change the color of 20% and when someone click the mouse click just in shop now!

      Thank you Jan

    • #20123


      Please try to use the custom code below


      Summer sale discount off <span style=”color: blue;”>25%</span>! <span style="color: red">Shop Now</span>

      Change “red”, “blue” to color which you want.

    • #20124

      thank you but how can i edit the code ? i found much code in the list !!

    • #20125

      Please navigate to theme cútomize and open topbar section you will see the text which you want to edit

    • #20174


      Please scroll to Center content http://take.ms/UHcaq

      and change the code to

      Summer sale discount off <span style="color: #ec0101;">50%</span>! <a href="https://claue-from-janstudio.myshopify.com" style="color: #222222">Shop Now</a>

      Please change #ec0101 and #222222 with your color code.

      and change the link https://claue-from-janstudio.myshopify.com with your link

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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