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    • #2249

      Hi. How would I go about making the product thumbnails open quickview instead of going to the actual page? Basically where the product images on the shop page when clicked will open in quickview the same way it does when the quickview button is there. I’ve been trying to figure it out for a while but no luck.

      Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • #2250

      Hi Blends,

      Thank you for purchase!

      You mean you want click on thumbnail image on product category page it will open quickview instead go to detail page or click on thumbnails on product detail page?

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    • #2251

      Hi Harry,

      Yes, clicking on thumbnail on product category page. I’d like it to open quickview.

      I’m more interested in figuring out how to trigger quickview inside of a popular plugin called “Essential Grid”

      Are you familiar with Essential Grid? It is what I use on most of my sites. I bought Gecko because I really like the quickview and the minicart ajax stuff. I installed Essentail Grid and I’d like to figure out how to trigger quickview from the links on Essentail Grid. I know people have triggered modal windows through Essentail Grid prettey easily with other modal popup plugins, but I can’t find the right way to trigger it based on the code in Gecko.

      Hopefully that makes sense. I’d basically like to know which code I need to call to make it work for Essentail Grid. Similar to the following link: https://www.themepunch.com/faq/open-post-content-inside-modal-popup/


    • #2252

      Hi there,

      For 1st question please add this code to Gecko theme options / General Layout / Custom JS code


      And next question, you just need add CSS class “btn-quickview” and HTML attribute data-prod=”product_id” to HTML dom of Essential Grid item, like this http://take.ms/jGttI

    • #2253

      Hi Foster,

      Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!

      I’m going to give that a try.

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