Home Forums Themes Support Claue WP 5.1. troubles

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    • #29193


      I have a problem with my webshop and I hope you can help. I downloaded WordPress 5.1. and since that updates of my sites doesn’t work proberly. For ex. if update Footer, the updates don’t show up there if refresh the site. However updates can be seen if open sites to new window. My question is: Is Claue theme suitable with WordPress 5.1.?  I’m using WooCommerse version 3.5.5.

      Kind regards,


    • #29199

      Hi Lillamor,

      Thank you for choosing our theme.

      We check our theme with WordPress 5.1 and WooCommerce 3.5.5 and it still work well so you can update.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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