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Home Forums Themes Support Claue are there any known preformance issues with Claue?

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    • #38964
      Support Expired

      Hi there,

      my new website, based on Claue theme has a horrible slow performance. Each single page load takes up to 4-6 sec.

      My webserver (at my hoster) has  3-6 GB RAM and 640MB memory_limit. The agency, which built my website says, they have taken regard about the performance when building the website. We only have the most neccessary plugins, pictures are downsized and compressed by tinyjpg. When activating the caching plugin WP rocket, the cached pages get loaded fine, but all other pages are inacceptable. We already deactivated one plugin after the other but are still searching for the reason. Google pagespeed analyser says that java and css should all be taken inline, but I can’t believe that that makes 5 secs!

      Are there any known performance issues with Claue or any hints, where to look for to speed the site up?

      Thanks for any tips


    • #38965
      Support Expired

      oh, my URL is:


    • #38969
      Support Expired

      both pingdom and google analytics say, that the http requests are in the red zone on my web site. javascript and css request make 80% of all requests and 62% of all request size.

      I am a wordpress dummy. Is this anything, what can be changed? The number of javascript and css calls? Aren’t they automatically integrated and generated by wordpress/claue? How can you avoid the high number of calls and put them together in less calls?

      Thanks for any hint


    • #38970
      Support Expired

      Hi Tiemo,

      I check and see still has 3 images bigger please try optimize and try minify Js and CSS

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #38972
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry,

      thanks for jumping in. I know, that there are still some images, which can be reduced. But since the 4-5 sec waiting time at almost each page call all over the web, it must be something general inheritent, like javascript and css or memory_limit (which is set to 256 in wp-config.php)

      Can I only minify js and css with a plugin or can I also put calls together in one file anyhow? (because of the redflag at http requests)

    • #38976
      Support Expired

      Hi Tiemo,

      I check your site it not need 4-5 sec waiting to open page it about 2-3 sec. You can use cloud CDN (Cloudflare, maxCDN, etc) to improve load speed image and enable cache, minify js/css with WP Rocket.

      For more tips, please contact to WP Rocket plugin author, they have more experience than us in optimize site.

      Kind regards

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Harry.

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

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