Home Forums Themes Support Gecko HTTPS

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    • #9716


      Sent you an email earlier, about the lookbook page not being HTTPS, very apologetic, this seems to have done the trick.

      But the product page is still not showing HTTPS even after changing the image

      Black Cotton Leggings

      And also where is the slider located, showing ‘ related products ‘

      In the description all links were showing http, which I changed to https.


      Please advise?


    • #9717

      Create new product with color and image swatches, looked at your tutorial but there is no colour palate to choose a colour, when looking at the attributes ?

      Please advise? in the widget section it is showing the colours?



    • #10329


      Is your issue resolve? Sorry we miss your request support because you post in helpdesk forum.

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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