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Hi JanStudio,
I love your theme, except for a minor tweaks here and there, one of the main ones right now is the ajax add to cart.
1. I can’t seem to get it to work properly, it works sometimes and doesn’t work the other times.
I have installed minification and caching plugins but I have uninstalled them all and it seemed to work. But I need to know which ones to leave on and which ones to disable.
I am using wp rocket plugin wiyh minification and cloud flare CSS, jss, HTML minification as well.
Also what speed plugins or tweaks do you use to get your website fast? (Already is fast but it would help)
2. The product sticky works like a charm (all of them, except for the one where the photo is in the middle and description on the left with add to cart on the right, I think it would be convenient for customers to have a sticky add to cart on the left as well with just images moving)
But that wasn’t my main problem, its that when you guys have the sticky on PC it looks beautiful but for mobile its very bad, as all the images are stacked up and customers have to scroll through every image on mobile before they get to Add to cart, which is very inconvenient.
Now I’ve seen this in the sober theme, they have sticky product page on pc, but when viewing on tablets and down, mobile, it resets to the standard thumbnails on bottom version so customers don’t have to scroll through all the images.
I could definitley wait for an update, or is there any edits, CSS, or code that you could provide me to load the tablets and down version in the normal standard product page version and PC in sticky.
If the code is too much time consuming, I understand, but please include this in the next update.
Thanks,Please reply asap as the ajax problem is very important, as customers won’t be able to buy items if that isn’t fixed.