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Home Forums Themes Support 404 SORRY! PAGE YOU ARE LOOKING CAN’T BE FOUND. Go back to the homepage

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    • #29715
      Support Expired

      Dear Support,

      I am redirected to Error page when i try to bulk edit items into a new category eg Shop All  when i click apply the page is taking about minute to load on bulk edit. What happens it suddenly takes me to the “404 SORRY! PAGE YOU ARE LOOKING CAN’T BE FOUND. Go back to the homepage” It seem to have started after adding more that 270 products to SHOP ALL page. I have contacted my hosting they have advise to contact the vendor to solve the problem.


    • #29716
      Support Expired

      Hi Fresh,

      Did you try increase: memory limit, PHP time limi, PHP max input vars of your hosting.

      You don’t need have category “Shop All”. By default WooCommerce has link contain all product is

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

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