I was looking at your demo. it has many things there I’m trying to accomplish on mobile. do you guys have customer server for us to see css code in custom and theme?
This is a sample of what I’m trying to do with the “Add to cart, Wish list heart, Quantity control, Price and “View Cart & Checkout” controls:
I have these controls set to fixed at bottom for mobile viewers:
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Your DEMO sticky “Add to Cart” button comes up as you scroll then disappears and reappears again. But when it appears again the last time it connects itself to the page “Sticky Scroll and release affect”

I Just need that to happen 1 time with my fixed elements above like this:
Notice when I scroll down the fixed elements release at a certain point and attach to page. if i scroll back up the go back to fixed positions.
i don’t mind doing the work, just need a head-start.