Home Forums Themes Support Claue Adding Social Media Icon at the footer & removing shopping cart icon

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    • #12539

      1.I want to add more social media icon to the footer, how could I change the code?I have added the icon and the link into the social network settings , however I cannot figure out what to put into the i class. For example :
      a href=”https://www.facebook.com/devisporthk/” title=”Facebook”   i class=”fa fa-facebook”   what should I put into the  i class=”…” here.

      2. Also I would like to hide the shopping cart icon from the menu bar at the top, how could I do that, any custom code?

      3. How could I change the colour of the footer menu?


    • #12551


      1.Which social network do you want to add? I will give you the code

      2. Please use this code .jas-icon-cart { display: none; }

      3. You can change it in Claue Theme Options open Color Scheme section and scroll down to Footer Link Color

      Best regards,

    • #12625
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    • #12633


      Please use below code

      <li><a href="https://devi.world.tmall.com" title="shop"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i></a></li>

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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