Home Forums Themes Support Claue All colors don't appear in the product filter bar

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    • #20681


      I noticed something weird on my website. I created a lot of different colors in my color attribute but only some of them are displayed on the product filter side bar. When I go to my widget I can see that the colors I created are indicated but the colors I have created don’t appear and they ask me to choose a color. These colors are really specific and it would take me a while to configure each one all the more since I already did it in my attribute section.

      You can see it in the screenshots attached. Can you help with this issue ?

      Many thanks

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    • #20689

      Hi @orlane_azogui

      After defining the attributes like your colors, all of them are listed in the widget that you sent via the screenshot.
      The second step is defining the code of the color right in the widget.
      Watch THIS

      So, for making available that color in your filter you need to enter the code of the color.
      And also remember in the page that you are using the filter, if you don’t have a product in that color, you will not see that in your filter.
      And this is the same story for color, size, volume and etc.

      For finding the right code for your color I recommend this Link or using the widget color picker.

      However you can find them directly by searching them on the Google.

      Good Luck. 🙂

      Rahim Vaziri
      CEO & Founder at Look.ir

    • #20710

      @Rahim thank you so much for support us

      because 2 plugins (variation swatch and yith ajax filter) created by 2 separate author so you have to picker color for both.

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #20743

      Alright thanks ! I had hoped I wouldn’t have to do it manually but I will do so !

      Thank you both for your help 🙂

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