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    • #16682


      I created few blog posts in my website. When i click inside my blog post, the “blog” on menu should be highlight.

      How can i fix this?

      Thanks and Regards.

    • #16684


      Please use the custom CSS code below

      ul.jas-menu li.current-menu-item > a { color: #222; }


    • #16694

      Hi Foster,

      I put in the code but it still not working.



    • #16695

      Sorry for the misunderstanding, I have fixed this issue for you, please check.

      Thank you

    • #16696


      Can you please let me know where you have added the code? Just in case I won’t change this in the future.

    • #16697

      I added the code at the bottom style.css file of child theme

    • #16699

      Thank you very much!


    • #16700

      You are more than welcome, glad I could help. Is there anything else I can help you with?

    • #16702

      <span style=”font-family: q_serif, Georgia, Times, ‘Times New Roman’, ‘Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro’, Meiryo, serif;”>Nope, that’s it. thanks!</span>

    • #16704

      Please reach us if you face any other issues or have any questions.. To improve the product more for you we’d really appreciate your opinion about experience with our support and product. It really matters for me and the whole team.
      You can leave the review at here https://themeforest.net/downloads


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