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Home Forums Themes Support Claue Blurred thumbnail images on product archive pages

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    • #44612
      Support Expired


      The thumbnail images on product archive pages are being rendered for some weird reason with 1 pixel less height. Then, the images are being stretch 1 pixel, therefore the images are being displayed a bit blurred. This is just the working theory.

      The fact is that the thumbnail images on archive pages are being display a bit blurred. However, the problem itself is not consistent. I recreated all the thumbs with at least 600 and uncropped but are not being used everywhere by the theme. I cleared and disabled my cache and I change Appearance->Woocommerce->Product images->Big thumbs (and I waited for the new thumbs to regenerate) but the problem is not resolved. I also changed to have only 3 columns per page (in appearance->woocommerce and at theme settings) but nothing.


      I also attached a related screenshot that you can see that the image has a 600×800 size in the link but is being rendered much smaller and a bit blurred.

      As far as I remember the problem started at 2.2.3 but I didn’t have time to report this earlier. Unfortunately is a production e-shop and I cant test it with other themes.

      Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated!

      Best Regards,


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