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Home Forums Themes Support Claue Cart popup issue

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    • #40979
      Support Expired


      I made an elementor single product page tamplet for my products becuase there were some aspects which i would change on the prodcut pages, but now the cart popup and side cart popup function do not work. And when i click on the “add to cart” button there is now loading sign which is quite bad from the ux standpoint.

      I tried now the Xootix side cart popup premium, but when i activate it its carsh the frontend of the site totally.

      Can you please help me to show the load sign on the button and bring back the cart popup function?

      Thank you very much!

    • #40985
      Support Expired


      I add class to Single product element

      Please try deactivate plugin and use default function of theme.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

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