Home Forums Themes Support Gecko Color Change

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    • #612

      Hello! I am really enjoying your theme. I just wanted to know if it is possible to change the colors without using the Editor as your code said to not edit below. Also, the furniture theme has the footers built in whereas the organic theme doesn’t. How can I make it so that the footers exist with the phone and email icons. I have attached screenshots.

      Thank you,

      Erickedits on the organic theme

    • #615


      Thank you for purchase and your kind words!

      Sorry for late reply.

      1. Now our theme don’t support option to change color with schema, we will update this feature soon but now you have to change with code. You can install child theme include in package you downloaded from Themeforest and copy code from style.css in “gecko” folder to style.css in “gecko_child” and find #b59677 and replace with your color


      a.button {
      cursor: pointer;
      border: 0;
      text-transform: uppercase;
      letter-spacing: 3px;
      padding: 0 27px 0 30px;
      background: #b59677;
      color: #fff;
      border-radius: 0;

      replace with

      background: #FDFD96;

      2. You can use code blow for 1,3,4 col of footer

      Footer Area #1 – Text Widget

      <div class=”footer-contact”>
      <p><a href=”index.php”><img alt=”GECKO” src=”http://janstudio.net/gecko/furniture/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/footer-logo.png&#8221; class=”mt__5 mb__15 size-full” width=”199″ height=”23″>
      <p><i class=”fa fa-briefcase”> </i>184 Main Rd E, St Albans <br>
      <span style=”padding-left: 22px”>VIC 3021, Australia</span></p>
      <p><i class=”fa fa-envelope-o”></i> <a href=”mailto:[email protected]”>[email protected]</a></p>
      <p><i class=”fa fa-phone”></i> +001 2233 456</p>
      <ul class=”jas-social mt__15″>
      <li><a href=”https://www.facebook.com/JanStudio-527963834074920/&#8221; title=”Facebook”>
      <i class=”fa fa-facebook”></i>
      <li><a href=”https://twitter.com/jan_studio&#8221; title=”Twitter”>
      <i class=”fa fa-twitter”></i>
      <li><a href=”https://plus.google.com/u/1/102811781810668807583&#8243; title=”Google Plus”>
      <i class=”fa fa-google-plus”></i>

      <li><a href=”https://www.instagram.com/jsfashionstock/&#8221; title=”Instagram”>
      <i class=”fa fa-instagram”></i>
      <li><a href=”https://www.pinterest.com/janstudio16/&#8221; title=”Pinterest”>
      <i class=”fa fa-pinterest-p”></i>

      Footer Area #3.

      You can create new menu and add new widget as custom menu

      Footer Area #4 – Text Widget

      <p>Subscribe to our newsletter and get 10% off your first purchase </p>
      [mc4wp_form id=”256″]
      <p class=”mt__15″><img src=”http://janstudio.net/gecko/furniture/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/payment2.png&#8221; alt=”accept payment”/></p>


      3. You can change background color for tag by add custom css code in JanStudio > theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS

      .widget .tagcloud a { background: #4d5959; }

      .widget .tagcloud a:hover { background: #b59677 ;}

      You can change #4d5959 and #b59677 with your colors

      4. You can change background color of bar above logo by add custom css code

      .header__top { background: #3e3e3e;}

      and change #3e3e3e with your color code;

      Best regards!



      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #617

      5. You can remove social icons by go to JanStudio > Theme option > Social Setting and remove

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #620
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #622


      1. You can change black by add custom code in JanStudio > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS or add css in style.css in child theme

      .jas-push-menu h3 { background: #000;} change #000 to your color

      2. Black shadow when open menu

      .mask-overlay  {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);} you can change 0,0,0 with your color

      You can see rgb in photoshop like screenshot as 84,80,48 and 0.8 is opacity

      3. The submenu background

      .jas-menu ul { background: #3e3e3e; } change #3e3e3e to your color

      4. Background on footer

      #jas-footer:before { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.95); } you can follow step 2

      5. Yes, when you change #b59667 it will apply for these elements you said




      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #688

      Hi, we release new update of theme with color scheme in theme option. You can update theme to get this.

      Best regards!

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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