Home Forums Themes Support Claue-Shopify Colors change + Product Page.

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    • #20956


      I have some issue with the subscribe button in the footer and the account and cart icon in the header and the categories names are black as well. Those need to be changed in color from black to #1E2247.

      We also would like the same animation to the collections on the front page as the promotion banner on the front page.

      And last but not least, we would like our products page like the following example:
      Screenshot first row products: https://prnt.sc/jn5lmc
      Screenshot Last row product with the menu: https://prnt.sc/jn5lmh

      Could you guys make this for us?

      Kindest Regards,



    • #20968


      Please add below code to Theme Customize > Theme Settings > Custom Code > Custom CSS

      .subscribe__form .subscribe__form--button { background: #1E2247;}
      .jas-action a {color: #1E2247;}

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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