Home Forums Themes Support Gecko Contact Form Help Please!

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    • #1074

      Hi, I’m just trying to get a contact form code that I can insert that has the text INSIDE the boxes.


      Essentially I would like all the titles such as “your name” “your email” “your subject” “your message” , INSIDE the boxes. not above the boxes like the photo below.


      Can someone please help? I have put my actual contact form below. & I attached the desired Look I would have. (including a drop down menu inserted into the contact form”


      Someone please do this for me. Or tell me how to do it myself! Much thanks!



      This is How I would like it to LOOK!


    • #1082


      I saw seem to be your problem was solved by yourself ?

    • #1083

      Hi. No I am still having issues tweaking it to my liking! please help me make it look like the bottom image!

    • #1085

      It’s done. Please check

    • #1089

      Hi. Thank you. I would like to just make it 1 field for the name. “full name”. instead of the current 2 fields for the name.

      Also. I have an issue when the email sends. the subject is not specified to the Menu options. I will attach a screenshot to help you understand.

    • #1090

      I would like the “from” field in the Email from the contact form to have the persons name.

      & the subject to pertain to the drop down Menu Options (if possible)



    • #1092

      All done, please check. And please read the documentation of Contact Form 7 for setup next time http://contactform7.com/docs/

    • #1093

      Thank you contact form issue is resolved!

    • #1096

      SORRY. one last problem.

      There is an extreme amount of space above the contact form on the main site & the mobile site.


      Can you please fix it so the spacing between the Contact form and site header “HADESNYC” is minimal to None?


      Thank you again.

    • #1100

      I just want there to be no space between the top of each page and the header please.

    • #1101


      It was fixed, please check

    • #1102

      Thank you so much!

      How can I change the color of this send button?


      I would like the button to be WHITE and text to be Black.


    • #1104

      Please use this custom CSS code

      form.wpcf7-form input.wpcf7-submit {
      	background: #fff;
      	color: #000;
    • #1105

      It worked! Is there a code I can input to make the space between the bottom of my pages and the content 0?


      I’d like NO space below my page content at all. I want the social icons to be the VERY bottom, no space below them please.

      Thank you so much.

    • #1107

      1. Please use this code
      .jas-page > .mt__60 { margin: 0; }
      2. Please follow there steps
      – Navigate to JanStudio Theme Options / Footer : choose Layout 2
      – Navigate to Appearance / Widgets: add content to Footer sidebar

      P/s: Please don’t display footer in page

    • #1108

      I am getting lost. I’m sorry. I’m only 17. Can you explain it differently? I don’t know where to paste the .jas-page > .mt__60 { margin: 0; }

    • #1109

      Let me do it for you, please stay tuned

    • #1110

      Done for you, Please check Hades

    • #1111

      alright cool!

    • #1112

      Hope you like our product and our service, and consider giving us a 5 stars rating at http://themeforest.net/downloads too. Really appreciate that

    • #1113

      Thank you so much! It’s perfect.

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