Home Forums Themes Support Claue CSS of the theme messing up with YITH Ajax Filter

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    • #10803


      I’ve been banging my head on the walls because of some of the css that is added to the theme for the YITH Ajax Filter. Currently when adding a filter by categories (I have YITH Ajaz Filter premium version) or any attribute that is text, it displays as small bullets instead of a correct list of items with indentation like a regular Category list would look like in a footer widget for example.


      I have tried many many CSS editing but it is extremely hard to figure out as you wrote your css for the general “li”s and “a”s without using specific classes, thus everything overrides the changes I make.


      Could you please help me fix this? I feel like it’s just oversight from your part but might be easier for you to identify.


      You can see the problem on top left corner of the screenshot provided filter, and see it live by clicking the filter, under Per Category filter on the link provided below:



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    • #10820


      I help you fixed this issue, please check.


    • #10901

      Sorry, forgot to say thank you ! Looks great now.

      By the way I asked to YITH plugin creators if there is a way to display the categories with correct hierarchy (for example mine is Parent: Femme then child category “Cuir Prestige” should be below) because right now they just display as a mess. They still haven’t answered me, but I believe this has nothing to do with your theme, only with their plugin, right ?

    • #10904


      You only need change setting of widget like this screen shot http://take.ms/93deO

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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