Home Forums Themes Support Gecko Full width row changes

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    • #8524


      When I set the row that contains my video clips on my home page to “full width” the size of my video slider went huge. I prefer it to keep the size it was when I didn’t select the “full width” row size. What I’m trying to so is set the background of that row to a light gray color (#ededed). Is there another way to get this color without having to select “Full width” because I don’t want my videos to be this large. Thanks.


      • You’ll need to log into my site to see this issue because I have the site on maintenance mode while I’m adding/changing the content. Thanks.



    • #8534

      You need check to Wrap Content for the row contain this



      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #8586


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