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    • #4033

      Hi I have 3 questions


      I want to make the navigation bar smaller. I want to change the height on this one

      <header id=”jas-header” style=”height:85px”>

      I want height to be 60 px



      I want to add a div in the header that will be there if a new update comes, how do I do this without messing with the father theme, so it works with new updates?



      Iam wondering how to remove the bar on the shop page (look image)


      Best regards

    • #4036


      1. You can reduce height of header by add custom css code in JanStudio > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS

      .jas-menu > li > a { line-height: 60px;}

      .jas-branding { padding: 12px 0 13px; }

      2. If you use gecko-child you can add a div in header layout you’re using without lose when update parent theme

      3. You can remove bar by add custom css code

      .result-count-order {  display: none; }

      Best regards


      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #4387

      Thanks for the answers but question number 1 doesn’t work. It doesn’t change the height on the header.

      best regards

    • #4389


      I checked your site and saw header height now is 60px as you want https://monosnap.com/file/1vYIlfbqSkOdcpe8Ysh4HnmuMxj2JK#

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #4427

      <header id=”jas-header” class=”header-3″ role=”banner” itemscope=”itemscope” itemtype=”http://schema.org/WPHeader&#8221; style=”height:78px”>

      style is set dynamically or statically somehow.

      I want the header to be 60 px when scrolling down and the header gets sticky.

      Look at attached file if you can’t see image in post

      Best regards



      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by cleast.
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    • #4438

      Sorry i forgot check your site on normal screen, i only check your site on retina screen.

      I saw you add custom css

      .regular-logo { max-width:150%; } do you want display your logo bigger?

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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