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Home Forums Themes Support Claue How to make wordpress version look like magento demo?

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    • #36688
      Support Expired

      Hey there, thanks for a great theme!

      My first question is that on mobile menu, I want the person to click on the menu item and then the menu drops instead of having to click on the plus next to the text. I want the entire item when clicked to open the drop down menu for the user to select but can’t find how to do it through code. Could you please help me with this?

      Second question is that that I bought the theme thinking that I will be able to make it look like how it shows here: but I want to know if I can make the theme look like this and if so then how?

      Thank you!

    • #36706
      Support Expired


      Sorry for late reply.

      1. By default the menu on mobile still link to category. If you want click to the menu it expand sub-menu please add below code to Claue > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS

      .holder {
      	width: 100%;
      	right: 0;

      2. Please go to Settings > Reading > Homepage and Select Home as you want after that change edit the page and change image with yours.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #36750
      Support Expired

      Hey Harry,


      Thanks a lot for your response, will definately buy the support soon! I had more questions, can I modify how the text looks like in the menu for specific items? Lets say if I want to bold one item in the menu or maybe change colour of one item in the menu, how can I do that?


      Also if I have an item with submenus and I add another menu as head menu then it looks out of symmetry. Is there any way to make it bold and place it under the submenus?

    • #36753
      Support Expired

      Hi Sharip,

      1. To change style of any menu item you need to know ID of menu item by right click on menu item and inspect After that add below code to Claue > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS

      .jas-menu li#menu-item-5977 > a {
      	color: #ec0101;
      	font-weight: bold;

      and change “menu-item-5977” with ID number of your menu item, and #ec0101 with your color.

      2. Can you take a screenshot and explain more about the issue.


      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #36768
      Support Expired

      Thanks a lot for the help Harry,


      I tried your code on the mobile menu but it doesn’t seem to work for some reason. I tried applying the new, hot and sale class on it but that did not work either. Could you please help me out with that?


      For the other problem, I resolved it by making the menu appear in a different way.

      Really appreciate your help man, you’re amazing!

    • #36813
      Support Expired


      Sorry for late reply.

      If you want show badge on mobile menu please add below code

      #jas-mobile-menu > a:after,
      #jas-mobile-menuu > a:after,
      #jas-mobile-menu > a:after {
      	position: absolute;
      	color: #fff;
      	font-size: 9px;
      	padding: 1px 7px 0;
      	border-radius: 50px;
      	right: -28px;
      	top: -10px;
      	line-height: 16px;
      #jas-mobile-menu ul > a:after,
      #jas-mobile-menu ul > a:after,
      #jas-mobile-menu ul > a:after {
      	right: -3px;
      	top: 5px;
      #jas-mobile-menu > a:after {
      	content: 'Hot';
      	background: #ff3e11;
      #jas-mobile-menu > a {
      	color: #ec0101;
      #jas-mobile-menu > a:after {
      	content: 'Sale';
      	background: #ffa800;
      #jas-mobile-menu > a:after {
      	content: 'New';
      	background: #01bad4;

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #36835
      Support Expired

      Thanks a lot Harry, this worked perfectly. I have another question which is that I have sub-categories for every kind of product I will have under main categories. Such as for men category, we will have sub-categories like Tshirt and etc. When the person clicks on Men and opens that main category, I want the user to be able to filter out the products from that main category page. So when the person clicks on filter, he is able to select on of the sub-categories. How can I make this happen?

      I looked in the widgets and there was this sub-category menu but it was kind of bugged. Is there any way I could either use that in a intuitive way or get some options in the filters menu?

    • #36836
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      Please add widget Product Categories to WooCommerce Categories Menu Sidebar and check in “Only show children of the current category”

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #36838
        Support Expired

        Hi Harry,


        I’ve tried using it but it is broken. Shows wrong subcategories. Please help me out with this.

    • #36839
      Support Expired

      It work when uncheck this option

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #36841
      Support Expired

      That seems to work Harry, thanks a lot. I have another question, when I click on a subcategory, the menu disappears and it looks a bit unnatural.


      Like if I’m on Men then I click on T-Shirts, subcategory menu disappears. Is there a way to keep it there and just show that inside men, you have selected T-shirts?

    • #36843
      Support Expired


      i’m sorry it only can show child category of parent category. When you click on T-shirt it not parent of any category so the categories menu disappear.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #36848
      Support Expired

      Okay I understand. I was wondering since we will also be selling shoes, how can I put shoe sizes in the filters to appear only when the user visits the shoe category page?

    • #36851
      Support Expired


      Please use plugin YITH Ajax Filter. It only show filter when product has attribute, so when you open shoes category the filter will show shoes attribute in filter.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #36882
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry,


      How can I use and apply YITH Ajax Filter? Isn’t it the one already installed in the demo? Also I was wondering, how can I add best seller badge to the products?

    • #36885
      Support Expired


      I see on your site the filter work well, to manage it please go to Appearance > Widgets > WooCommerce Fiter Sidebar

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #36891
        Support Expired

        Okay I will check it out further. How can I put Best Seller on products just as products have New badge and etc

    • #36892
      Support Expired


      I’m sorry our theme doesn’t support best seller badge. You can try this plugin

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #36893
      Support Expired

      Thanks a lot for your amazing help Harry, really appreciate it. If I use this plugin, what will happen to the badges which are turned on by default in the theme?

    • #36894
      Support Expired

      If you use this plugin, you have to add custom css to hide default badge of theme

      span .badge {display: none;}

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #36895
        Support Expired

        I tried the code you gave me but it’s not working for some reason. I would specifically like to disable the new badge, is that possible?

    • #36898
      Support Expired

      Sorry please change code to

      span.badge {display: none;}

      if you only want hide “new” badge please add code

      span.badge .new {display: none;}

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #36923
      Support Expired

      Thanks a lot harry.

      Is there any way to place some kind of badge saying Best seller next to the price on the product page?

    • #36926
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      I’m sorry it not have option to show Best Seller badge next to price.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #36951
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry,


      I’ve tried editing the MetaSlider but it doesn’t work. There are no buttons to navigate to next or previous ad on the slider also there is no text and buttons on the slider images.

      And in the sub category filtering through the widget of product categories, how can I show them in order? Like once I click on men, it shows Bottom, Special, Torso but I want to reorder it and show Torso, Bottom, Special. How is that possible?

    • #36952
      Support Expired


      1. Please check in arrow and add manual caption or change slider to SmartSlider

      2. To reorder category, please go to Widget > Product Categories and change to category order and after that go to Dashboard > Products > Categories > Drag to reorder

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #36953
      Support Expired

      Thanks a lot harry! I want the metaslider to be the size of fullscreen, not just stuck in the middle like it is right now. I want it to be like background with text above it as on all other sites. How can I do this? Please help out

    • #36955
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      1. Please edit the row wrap slider and uncheck to wrap content option.
      2. Open “Design Option” tab to edit background.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #36966
      Support Expired

      Hey Harry, did you receive my reply about what I did with wrap content? Incase it didnt appear, here is it:


      I’ve done wrap content but after doing it, the slider becomes huge for some reason and it also makes a gray area above it. I can’t post link to the screenshot as for some reason my reply gets deleted them. How can I resolve that issue with gray area above it?

      I also tried tinkering with the design options but I wasn’t able to change much else than padding and margin. I want the slider to cover the screen in responsive way as shown here on na-kd (dot) com and nelly (dot) com or at thestaysafeapp (dot) com

      Please help me out with this, would really appreciate it!

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by shariq.
    • #36969
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      Please edit column wrap slider and add padding 0 to override css of plugin

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37000
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry, thanks for your help so far.


      I have a problem. Im trying to edit category buttons and currently having problem with styling them. The category buttons I mean are these you can see in this link: prntscr (dot) com/t4ipdh

      They automatically resize to the sizes of pictures put in them which really messes the design. I want the image to be resized in the box rather then the boxes being resized. I’m not able to put any size limits for the each boxes after trying to tinker with design options in the colum and rows. Please help me out with this, I want it to have 2 big Women and Men then footwear and accessories in smaller boxes.

    • #37004
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      The image only resize the width to fit design of column, it can’t resize height so you need check image for both width and height before upload. you can change layout of column by pagebuilder.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #37029
        Support Expired

        Hi Harry,


        How can I resize the column? I’ve tried through editing the column design options but nothing except padding and margin works. I want to set limits for the size of those boxes so that it doesn’t become way too big

    • #37041
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      It not have option to resize column. You only have option to delete column or create new column

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37047
      Support Expired

      Thanks a lot Harry. Ill go for resizing the images.

      1. I was wondering how can I change the colour of the text and buttons on the sliders which come by default with the demo import?
      2.  Also how can I change the colour of this button and it’s text? prntscr (dot) com/t50apy
      3. In the trending section of landing page, how do you set products as trending from woocommerce and how do you put the items in the sale page?
      4. How do I get the newsletter button in the bottom to work?
      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by shariq.
    • #37053
      Support Expired


      1. Please add below code to change text and button color to Claue > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS

      a.button:not(.add_to_cart_button), .jas-ajax-load a, button.button {
      	background: #222;
      	border-color: #222;
      	color: #fff;

      and change #222 or #fff with your color

      2. Please add code to Claue > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS

      .product-category h2, .jas-banner h3 {
      	background: #fff;
      	color: #222;

      3. Please use “Products” element and select display product as

      4. Please go to MC4WP > mailchimp and change your API key and select list

      You should learn on youtube how to use WP Bakery Pagebuilder and other plugins

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37056
      Support Expired

      Thanks a lot for your help Harry, couldn’t appreciate it any less. I’ve tried what you told me and this is what I’ve come up to so far:

      1. Through your code, I managed to change the colour of the slider buttons which is amazing but how do I change the colour of the text in the slider?
      2. This works great too, thanks a lot. What can I do if I want to change specifically for lets say Flash Sale to red colour?
      3. Thanks a lot for this. I’m curious to know how can I add the products to the sale page provided by the demo?
      4. How can I disable the social media buttons in the navigation bar?
      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by shariq.
    • #37069
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      1. Please add below code to Claue > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS, {color: #fff;}

      2. I still not clear what you said

      3. Please add “products” element to sale page

      4. Please go to Theme Option > Social Network > and remove social links.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37075
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry, I couldn’t appreciate your help any less man. You have the best support ever! I tried your suggestions but I have

      1. Regarding the last 1st point, the code you gave me is not working. The color of the texts on the sliders remains the same. Please help me out with this
      2. Regarding the last 2nd point, what I mean was that how can I change the color of the buttons on a specific box? From the code you gave me on this, I could change colors of all of the boxes but I wanted to change color of one specific box so how can I do that?
      3. How can I add filters as on other category pages on the sale page?
      4. I was adding a portion with single images for designer logos and I have trouble with it’s responsiveness. When the screen gets smaller, the images get aligned with left side of the screen[prntscr (dot) com/t5v5bh] while I want it in the middle. Would really appreciate if you could help out with this.
      5. These items which were pre shipped with the demo are unaligned for some reason[prntscr (dot) com/t5v69y], I love your theme and would love to have it look in the best way possible in the customers hand so how could I make the alignment right?
      6. I tried to edit the lookbook and sale boxes to make them into our own but I have an issue with responsiveness. The padding between columns look like this while on phone [prntscr (dot) com/t5v8bx] meanwhile I have boxes above that look completely fine [prntscr (dot) com/t5v9uz] with column padding even if in row settings, I have column padding set to 0px. Is there any way I could get the column padding of the lookbook and sale boxes to look the same on mobile as the other boxes above it?
      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by shariq.
      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by shariq.
    • #37085
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      1. Sorry for wrong code, please change code to

      .metaslider .flexslider .caption-wrap {
      	color: #878787;
      .metaslider .flexslider .caption-wrap h2 {
      	color: #222 !important;
      .metaslider .flexslider .caption-wrap h3 {
      	color: #222 !important;
      .metaslider .flexslider .caption-wrap h4 {
      	color: #222 !important;

      and change #878787 #222 with your color

      2. Please edit “Image & Text” element and add class for each box you want change color and add code

      .jas-banner.category-men h3 {
      	background: #000000;
      	color: #FFFFFF;

      add class next to jas-banner

      3. The filter auto show on category page. To show on sale page you need a plugin and assign sale page as woocommerce page.

      4. You should change settings of image to center or add below code

      @media only screen and (max-width: 736px) {
      .wpb_single_image.vc_align_left {
      	text-align: center;

      5. If you want like this please add below code

      @media only screen and (max-width: 736px) { {
      	text-align: right;

      6. Please edit the column wrap promotion and add padding-bottom to 30

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37125
      Support Expired

      Thanks a lot for your help harry, solved a lot of my issues. On mobile, the text on one slide in the slider doesn’t seem to be responsive on the mobile as you can see in this image [prntscr (dot) com/t6jjfo] that the text is aligned tightly to the left. On the other sides, they have gap and do not touch the screen edge. Please help me out with this Harry, would really appreciate it.

    • #37126
      Support Expired

      I have also tried your solution with the mailchimp but I’m still having issue. When I register an email then my email does not get saved in mailchimp. How can I tackle this?

    • #37144
      Support Expired


      1. Please check on device not resize browser.

      2. I see it now load your listing If not please check with Mailchimp team.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37158
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry,


      1. I was checking on mobile and the issue is on slide number 3 in the slider you can see [prntscr(dot)com/t73gt3]. The text and button is way too aligned to the left. Please help out with this.
      2. Yes now its working, thank you man.
      3. I have another issue I faced today. I create a row and put a video as its background. Everything works perfectly and it plays on the background as shown here in this screenshot [prntscr(dot)com/t73hh2] but when you switch over to mobile, the video player in the backgruond disappears and row becomes totally empty and looks like this [prntscr(dot)com/t73iv2]. Please help me out with this, it’s a critical issue. Thank you bro.
      4. Also on the about us page, I have the same issue with the video on here. I also used a promotion box here but it’s not responsive on the phone while it works totally fine on computer: [prntscr(dot)com/t73oe1] meanwhile on mobile it looks like this: [prntscr(dot)com/t73nub]. How can I solve this?
      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by shariq.
    • #37160
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      1. Please add more code

      @media only screen and (max-width: 736px) {
      .pa-middle.left {
      	left: 15px;

      3. The video will be disable on mobile because they save data for user. I recommend upload a background image for this to on mobile it show background image.

      4. Please add more code

      @media only screen and (max-width: 736px) {
      .page-id-2904 .jas-promotion h3 {
      	font-size: 14px;
      	line-height: 18px;
      	margin-bottom: 5px;
      .page-id-2904 .jas-promotion h4 {
      	font-size: 18px;
      	line-height: 20px;
      	margin-bottom: 5px;
      .page-id-2904 .jas-promotion h5 a.button {
      	font-size: 12px;

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37161
      Support Expired

      Please use normal link don’t use … {dot}…

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #37179
        Support Expired

        Hi Harry, whenever I try to put a link it doesn’t let me post here for some reason which is why I post that way.


        3. How can I put a background image in a row? It only allows me to put a background video. Is it possible that we have video on computer while on mobile, a background image?

        4. I have tried putting this code into the custom CSS of the about page but it didn’t solve the issue, please help out.

    • #37192
      Support Expired


      It now you can try normal link

      3. It has option to upload background image

      4. Please change code to

      @media only screen and (max-width: 736px) {
      .page-id-2904 .jas-promotion h3 {
      	font-size: 14px !important;
      	line-height: 18px !important;
      	margin-bottom: 5px;
      .page-id-2904 .jas-promotion h4 {
      	font-size: 18px !important;
      	line-height: 20px !important;
      	margin-bottom: 5px;
      .page-id-2904 .jas-promotion h5 a.button {
      	font-size: 12px !important;

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37203
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry, thanks a lot for your help bro. You really deserve 10 stars. I tried posting this yesterday with links without (dot) but the post didn’t go through. However im facing some more issues


      1. This issue is related to mobile. [prntscr(dot)com/t7p66m] You can see in this image that on mobile sub menu, the 3 items are not in the middle instead they are aligned to the left and you are able to swipe to right for some reason to empty area like this [prntscr(dot)com/t7p6wa] . This happens on other categories aswell as on Men, Accessories and etc. How can I solve this?
      2. I need some help understanding how filters will work as there is nothing about it in the documentation. I want the user to be able to filter out shoes with shoe sizes through the filter but ONLY from the shoes category page, not from others. Same with if you go to a brand category page, I want them to filter out the clothing by men or women then clothing type but ONLY on the brand category page. How can I do all of this? I would really appreciate your help man.
    • #37208
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      1. The code applied for all categories so when the category has less sub-categories it will has the issue.

      Please add below code to Claue > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS

      @media only screen and (max-width: 736px) {
      .term-men .shop-top-sidebar .woocommerce,
      .term-women .shop-top-sidebar .woocommerce {
      	min-width: inherit;
      	text-align: center;

      and change “term-name” as “name” is category name

      2. Please create shoes category with shoes products and go to Appearance > widgets > WooCommerce Filter Sidebar and add YITH Ajax Filter and choose attribute as Shoes-size

      The filter will show when category has attributes of products belong to this category not show other attribute of other product not belong to category.

      Kind regards

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Harry.

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37245
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry, hope you are doing good.


      1. I tried your code and it works flawlessly on all the categories with less amount of sub categories. But when I tried it on for example Accessories with lots of items, it looked like this [prntscr(dot)com/t8ezd0]. How can I solve this? I want it to be scrollable to the right but not like before as you can scroll to some empty area.
      2. This sounds great harry, thanks a lot. This part is sorted but now I have another issue. I have category pages about designers. I want the people to be able to filter out clothing from there. So lets say you opened Gucci, I want the user to be able to filter out the clothes there for men or women then filter it more on what kind of clothing. How can I do this? Please help out bro really appreciate it.
    • #37255
      Support Expired


      1. Please remove “accessories-m” and “accessories-w” out of code, just apply code for the category has less sub-category

      2. Please create new category as Mens > Gucci and Women > Gucci and assign product to category. but it not support ajax filter

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37256
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry,


      1. I tried but there is an issue with it. When you swipe to the right, you keep swiping to some empty area which I think is a bug. Please help me out with this.
      2. So at this, I have 3 Main categories named Brands, Men and Women. When someone goes into Brands and then selects Gucci subcategory, I want them to be able to filter the products in that subcategory by Men and Women including with their subcategories which would be Shirts, Pants and etc. How can I do this?
    • #37276
      Support Expired


      Please add more code

      @media only screen and (max-width: 736px) {
      .shop-top-sidebar .woocommerce {
      	min-width: 750px;
      	text-align: center;
      .term-accessories-m .shop-top-sidebar .woocommerce {
      	min-width: 1050px;
      .term-accessories-w .shop-top-sidebar .woocommerce {
      	min-width: 650px;

      2. I’m sorry it can’t so like this 🙁

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37360
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry, how are you?

      Is there any way to add a countdown timer to the sale page? Please help out with this?

    • #37362
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry,


      I managed to add a counter through short code but I would like to know if there is any way to decrease padding around it [prntscr(dot)com/tcxfk1] since all padding and margins are set to 0 so I think its something by default set in the theme.

    • #37373
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      Please edit the text block and design option

      and add custom code to this page

      h2 {margin: 0}

      Please create new topic to post normal link don’t use [prntscr(dot)com/tcxfk1]

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #37379
        Support Expired

        Hi Harry,

        I can’t post normal links as my replies don’t go through with normal links for some reason. I have tried your code and to make all paddings/margins but was unable to edit the margin at the top while the bottom margin decreased. How can I solve this bro?

        Also, on mobile menu the sale badge is not working as the colour is not changing of flash sale button. The code you gave me is still in place but for some reason, not working.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by shariq.
        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by shariq.
    • #37384
      Support Expired

      Please add more CSS code to reduce space on top

      .jas-page > div {margin-top: 0;}

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37425
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry, thanks a lot it worked.

      1. Currently I have an issue with the blog. When I set a featured image, it does not show on the highlight bar at the top but it shows on the blog post. Please help me with this issue. prntscr(.)com/tetuyu

      2. Also how can I move the content of the row where free shipping, refund and secure payment is at the top above the menu where it says summer sale?

      3. When I click on filter button after opening the men category, some brands which have no products are showing at the end of the filter bar at the bottom and are not displaying as the attributes which came with the theme are displayed. [prntscr(.)com/teu9qe]

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by shariq.
    • #37452
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry, I’m facing another issue which I need help with.


      4. I’m currently using WP Jobs Manager for the career page. When I create a job, it automatically shows in the page banner the date the job was posted and we don’t want that. [prnt(.)sc/tdiqnx] How can we fix this brother?

    • #37478
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      Sorry for late reply.

      1. I think the issue because your image small. I see you solve the issue, how you did it?

      2. I’m sorry this Summer Sale is HTML content you can edit in Theme Option > Header > Header Top Content
      but free shipping, refund and secure payment are built by page builder

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Harry.
      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Harry.

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37482
      Support Expired

      3. Please delete in Product > Attributes

      4. Please add more code to hide it

      .single-job_listing .entry-date {
      	display: none;

      For next issue, please create new topic and post your link on 2nd reply.

      Thanks and regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37502
      Support Expired

      Thanks a lot for your help,

      Before I create topic, I need one last help from you on here.

      1. On category pages, you know the buttons which allow us to change the way products show up in product category pages, we want to write text next to it saying “Sort By:” before those buttons. [prntscr(.)com/th6mb7]. How can we do that?

      2. How can we hide or remove this? [prnt(.)sc/tg05ld]

      3. How can I put “Retail Price” before the black price text/original price? Before the text which arrow is pointing at. [prnt(.)sc/tg03od] and also how can we put that behind this on product page? [prntscr(.)com/th6w92]

      4. When on Designer page in a brand for example here: [therichkids(.)com/product-category/designers/top-designers/brand-armani/], when you open filters, it is still showing me Select By Brand while we came into a brand page already [prntscr(.)com/th6u5o]. How can I hide that when person is already in a brand page? Please help out brother, really appreciate it

      5. Brother can you please help me out with the Summer Sale HTML at the top? I just want it to show Free Shipping and all those items which are being shown through the page builder. Would really appreciate it.

      6. When clicking on Size Guide on product page [prnt(.)sc/tg0520], how can we show size guide here or some size table?

    • #37506
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      1, 2, 3. Please add below CSS code

      .wc-col-switch.flex::before {
      	content: 'Sort By:';
      	padding-right: 10px;
      .product_meta {
      	display: none;
      	width: 100%;
      .price del::before {
      	content: 'Retail price';
      	text-decoration: none;
      	padding-right: 5px;

      4. The link is product category while the filter on left is attribute (Brand). Please go to Dashboard > Products > Attributes and delete brand

      5. I’m sorry on the top only show the text is beter

      6. Please go to Theme Option > WooCommerce > Product Details Settings > Size Guide and upload your image contain table of size.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #37514
        Support Expired

        Thanks a lot bro, most of the options works. But I have an issue with one thing.

        4. If I delete filter by brand, then in other pages like women shirt or men shirt, there will be no option to filter by brand and I want the user to be able to filter by brand on other pages, not just on the specific brand page. How can I fix this brother?

    • #37516
      Support Expired

      I think problem because on menu have a product has attribute Nike. Please edit this product and keep only one brand attribute.

      Kind reards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #37519
        Support Expired

        Bro basically its not issue with that page, its issue for all the brand pages. If you opened Nike page, there will be same issue that the filter by brands will show. I want to hide that filtering option when on brand category pages but when you go to other category pages like clothing filters then I want that filtering option to show. How can I do this brother?

    • #37521
      Support Expired


      The issue because the products of Nike category has many brands, you should show only Nike brand attribute for product belong to Nike category.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #37554
        Support Expired

        Hi Harry, thanks a lot for your help brother I really appreciate it. You are amazing. From the last points, they are still not completely solved so just want to know how I can solve them completely.

        1. I tried your suggestion and now it looks better than before at least, thanks a lot for this. But is there a way to completely hide it instead of showing filter by brand at all? Because it feels like its an extra thing in the filter without any need making it longer. I hope you understand.

        2. Also with the retail price CSS code you gave me, how can I remove the line on it? I want that line to be on the grey price but not on the “Retail Price”

        3.  When no filtering options match a product, all the filters disappear and this is what happens to the page: [prntscr(.)com/ti6io3]. I don’t want the filters to disappear because it feels like website has crashed. How can I make the filters not disappear so that person can deselect the filters for the product page to get back to normal?

        4. How can we hide the sale badge displayed on products by default from theme? [prntscr(.)com/ti6kpw]

        5. Instead of having color filter as actual color, how can we have them as words instead BLUE, WHITE, BLACK etc in colours? [prntscr(.)com/ti6oi8]

        6. How can we delete this bit of small text from the checkout page? [prntscr(.)com/ti6t09]

        7. On the checkout page, how can we move the coupon apply down to this area where the arrow is pointing at? [prntscr(.)com/ti6uib]

        8. How can we disable this popup? [prntscr(.)com/ti6wto]

        Thanks a lot brother for helping me out with all this. Really appreciate it.

        • #37561
          Support Expired

          9. On the size guide in Theme options, it only gives me an option to upload 1 picture. Can I somehow show size guide depending on what category the product belongs? Otherwise instead of showing an image when Size Guide gets clicked, can I send them to another Size Guide page on my website?

    • #37563
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      1. Please go to Appearance > Widgets > WooCommerce Filter Sidebar and remove Filter by Brand widget

      2,4. Please add below code to Claue > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS

      .price del {
      	text-decoration: none;
      .badge span.onsale {
      	display: none;

      3. Yes, when no product it doesn’t have anything to filter

      5. Please go to Appearance > Widgets > Color Filter and change type to label

      6. Please use Loco plugin and find the text in Loco > plugins > WooCommerce

      7.i’m sorry it can’t

      8. Please go to Theme Option > WooCommerce > Product Detail Settings > Add to cart behavior > Slide Sidebar

      9. I’m sorry it only option to upload image. You can change to use plugin

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #37575
        Support Expired
        1. Yes but if I delete then it will not show that filter by brand option on other category pages such as Men and Women.

        3. I know but when it doesn’t have any product to filter, why do all filters disappear? How can we make the filter options stay instead of disappearing from there so that the user can be able to deselect the options?

        5. This works but how can I have the labels appear in the colours of the option?


    • #37576
      Support Expired

      I also installed the Loco translate but I cant find the option to delete the word “website” from terms and conditons. Can you give me some CSS code for this instead?

    • #37578
      Support Expired


      1. If you don’t delete it will show on all category

      2. The filter only show when have product has attributes, it compare between attribute to filter, if doesn’t any attributes it can’t compare with anyone to filter.

      5. It can’t please contact to plugin author to know plugin feature

      6. Please clone the text and in translate field you delete the “website”

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #37598
        Support Expired

        2. Yes I understand but then why do all filtering options disappear except Filter by price? I don’t want all the other options to disappear, I want them to remain there just like Filter by price if no product matches the selected filtering options.

        6. I installed it but I don’t understand how the plugin works, its complicated. Can you do it for me from your side or tell me the exact steps and buttons to click in order to delete the word “website”.

        7. Also how can I install this plugin and hide the size guide link shown by default from the theme?

    • #37600
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      2. Please contact to YITH plugin team and ask for feature

      6. You need create new language English – US and find string and delete

      You should find youtube tutorial, i can’t answer all your questions

      7. Please go to Theme Option > WooCommerece > Product Detail Settings > Size guide image and remove image and install plugin to use size guide.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37674
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry, thanks a lot for your help.

      1. Recently I asked for your help to add text “List Price” and remove line on it. Recently I notice that the sale price is being repeated after the price itself. You can see what I mean here [prntscr(.)com/tl98yo]. How can I delete this?


      2. I’m trying to add taxes to my woocommerce and having issues. I installed this plugin given here but it’s not working. How can I set up taxes without manually adding all the taxes?

      3. How can I remove the quick shop and add to cart button when hovering on the product? (just asking if we have to do it in future)

    • #37676
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      1. Please use normal link we fixed the issue with link. The price show with tax not repeat, please add more text before price

      2. Please follow document at

      3. Please go to Theme Option > WooCommerce > Product Listing Settings and turn off button.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37691
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry, thanks for your help.

      1. I don’t understand what to do here, can you clarify please? Would really appreciate it.
      2. I have tried this but I want automatic taxes. I installed that plugin but its not working, how can I solve it_
      3. Thanks a lot, this worked bro.
      4. On the product detail, how do I remove this space/padding [prntscr(.)com/tm0ntw]
      5. I don’t want to show any popup here. How can I open new tab when person clicks here [prntscr(.)com/tm0plr]? In product detail, I can only edit the content of the popup box.
    • #37692
      Support Expired


      I mean please use normal link of screen shot

      1. Please add prefix text for price that include tax

      2. Use should setup tax base on your country.

      4. Please add custom css code

      .woocommerce-tabs.wc-tabs-wrapper.pt__50 {
      	padding-top: 0;

      5. I’m sorry it only support popup not open as tab.

      Kind reards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37720
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry, thanks a lot for your help,

      1. Can I just show the price including tax in the price?
      2. I want to do automated taxes, how is that possible? The woocommerce services tax plugin is not working.
    • #37721
      Support Expired

      3. Can we make the slider taller on the mobile version of the site? It looks too small compared to the logos below it.

    • #37725
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      1. I’m not sure what you want.

      2. i don’t know hơ to automate tax

      3. Please try this code

      @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
      .metaslider .slides img {
      	height: 250px !important;

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #37726
        Support Expired

        Hi Harry,

        1. I mean that I want to show only one price which should be the one including tax that is why I don’t to show this extra . I want the price in the red and list price to be including the taxes. Please help me out with this bro.

        3. Thanks bro this works but is there any way I can increase the width of the image while making it look the same as it’s looking like right now? The image inside the slider looks too stretched making it look bad but I love the size of the slider. It’s perfect.

    • #37727
      Support Expired

      1. Please remove the code show the text “List Price”

      and add below code

      .price del,
      .price ins {
      	display: none;
      .price small {font-size: 100%}

      2. It only way you upload the image with bigger height on desktop like now.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #37728
        Support Expired
        1. Bro I mean I want it to look this way with list price etc but I want the price of the products to be including tax. I don’t want to show extra price like this .
        • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by shariq.
    • #37734
      Support Expired

      Please go to WooCommerce > Settings > Tax and remove text on this field

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37777
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry,


      I understand what you mean but I only want ONE price to show which should also include tax depending on the rates set in WooCommerce. The sale price does not show including the tax rates and I don’t want another text showing price including tax.

    • #37786
      Support Expired

      I’m sorry i don’t have solution for this.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #37903
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry,

      I don’t know why but at the bottom of my homepage, the footer images where it shows payment gateways and logo, their size has automatically changed and I can’t fix it anymore. Please help out.

    • #37905
      Support Expired


      Your image

      Please remove code

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #38506
      Support Expired

      Hey Man,

      I hope you are doing good. I have continued working on the website but I’m facing an issue. In the title of website, it says “archives” when you open any category or brand. How can I remove that?

    • #38511
      Support Expired


      I see the title of category page work well without “archives” text. How did you fix?

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #38966
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry,

      I used Yoast SEO to fix that. I hope everything is good with you.

      I’m currently using a WooCommerce Brands plugin to categorize all the brands and wanted to know how I can show the brand name next to the product title like this “Gucci – Black Premium Bag”.  This is the plugin link: 

    • #38971
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq.

      Please try contact to plugin author. I not sure what to do.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #39079
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry,

      I updated my theme a while ago and just noticed that sub categories are not working anymore. Before under the navigation menu, it showed sub categories for each parent category. Now its not displaying any of them. Can you please help fixing this?

    • #39082
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      I check your site and still see the sub menu work well Did you fix?

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #39084
        Support Expired

        Hi Harry,

        I mean child category as they used to show under the navigation bar. If I opened men it used to show child categories under it. This one: its old screenshot

    • #39085
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      Please go to Appearance > widget > WooCommerce categories menu sidebar abd add Product Categories widget to this sidebar.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #39309
      Support Expired

      Hi Harry,

      I hope everything is good with you. I wanted to ask how can I disable “Checkout” button in the mini menu? Also is it possible to rename “View Cart” button to “Checkout”?

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by shariq.
    • #39311
      Support Expired

      Hi Shariq,

      1. You can hide “Checkout” Button by add below code to Claue > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS

      .button.checkout.wc-forward {
      	display: none;

      2.Please go to Loco Translate > Theme > Claue > Create new language > Choose English-US find the text “View Cart” and translate to “Checkout”

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

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