Home Forums Themes Support Gecko Image customization of teh theme

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    • #6039

      I have some problems with the personalization of the theme, I have made the changes , incluing text and my images in some heads, but they do not appear. As you can see in “quienes somos” I can´t change Home > quienes somos for Inicio > quienes somos, also the image and the subbtiltle don´t appear. I have the same problem in the pages Producto and Contacto. Where I have change the Highlighted pictures and enable the subbtitles but they haven´t change.

      I have another problem, in the pages “Bolsas para flores, bolsas para plantas y bolsas para golosinas” I would like to show the unique result aling in the center but I haven´t found the option.

    • #6041


      Thank you for choosing our theme.

      1. For the “quienes somos” and “Contacto” you have to upload feature image when edit this page  https://monosnap.com/file/VtO0XG0Pwn3f6mizOoTY9dH318PhlM#
      2. For “producto” page you can upload image and change subtitle in JanStudio > Theme Option > WooCommerce > General Settings
      3.  You can translate text “Home” in breadcrumb by use Loco Translate plugin and follow our video at http://support.janstudio.net/forums/topic/theme-translation/
      4. You mean product detail page http://www.botelladuran.es/producto/bolsas-para-plantas/ i saw you changed product layout page to Product Layout 2, you can apply for all product detail layout in JanStudio > Theme Option > Product Detail Settings > Product Detail Layout > Select Layout 2

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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