Home Forums Themes Support Gecko Instagram Slider Not Working

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    • #3021


      Im having an issue with he slider, Ive copied my api and secret to where it says but everytime I save it it says invalid user id, but Im using the website smash ballon to get it so Im not sure what the problem is, It should work since I paid for it.


      It goes on the home page where the current alternative is being used.



    • #3022
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #3027

      Hi there,

      I saw on your home page, you have used Instagram Feed plugin, It’s not necessary, please use “Instagram” element of Visual Composer, we have integrated slider for it

      p/s: I have setup a sample for you, please check

      – Foster

    • #3036

      Cheers 🙂

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