1. Please go to menu and click on Screen Option, After that check in “CSS Class” and open menu to item to know CSS class.
Our theme support for menu badge with “New”, “Sale”, “Hot” with class “new”, “sale”, “hot”. You can remove badge by remove class
2. You can change background color for label by add below code to claue-child > style.css
.jas-menu li.hot > a:after {
content: 'Hot';
background: #ff3e11;
.jas-menu li.sale > a {
color: #ec0101;
.jas-menu li.sale > a:after {
content: 'Sale';
background: #ffa800;
.jas-menu li.new > a:after {
content: 'New';
background: #01bad4;
and change color as you want.
Kind regards
Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio