Home Forums Themes Support Claue Photo bug on product page

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    • #9453

      Hi, there’s a bug on the product page with the photos on the left. Sometime the picture changes. Example if i go on the black shirt, it shows the grey shirt and if i go to the next color (grey) it’s the same picture.

      Also, when i hover my mouse over the pictures, there’s like 2 pictures on 1 image. You can see everything there: https://www.minamar.co/product/gym-tank-top-with-skull-for-men/


      BTW, it’s the same for every product.

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    • #9463


      Saw you delete some image of this product?

      1. I check and saw the issue with first image in galley we will fix and update soon.
      2. When you hover on the image, it load original image to display zoom effect. You can turn off zoom effect in Claue > Theme Option > WooCommerce > Product Detail Settings > Enable Zoon Image > Off

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #9504


      I don’t know why it deleted images. BTW, i upgraded my server to PHP 7.0 this morning and lot of things changed. So far i see that the image thumbnail aren’t the same size. I had this fixed before i made the upgrade to 7.0. Can you help me please ?


    • #9510

      It’s very very strange issue, upgrade PHP can’t affect to the product image size. Anyway, please change the image size in WooCommerce setting and run Generate Thumbnail plugin once again.

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