Hello everyone I have a problem with the template with Shopify regarding product images. I explain you. In desktop mode there is no problem regarding the display of the thumbnails of the images of the single product. But when I’m in tablet mode and mobile mode I find the problem that I can not flip through the various photos but remains locked without the ability to swipe left or right on thumbnails. At the beginning in mobile mode with only 3 photos when I clicked on a thumbnail the other 2 disappeared and only 1 remained … I contacted the assistance but I could not understand why. I have a Xiaomi Redmi note 5 with Chrome. Now that problem I solved by inserting instead of 3 images as many as 5 images and everything works fine from mobile. But now from my iPad I saw that the thumbnails are locked and you can not swipe right and left. Now I ask you if you can help me. I am attaching the movie “error 1.mp4” that was the problem that gave me with 3 images but then I solved by inserting 5 I am also attaching the movie “error ipad.mp4” where I have the problem of scroll thumbnails
Sorry for my english , i hope you can help me…thanks
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