Home Forums Themes Support Claue-Shopify Problem with variations when some are out of stock

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    • #24983

      I am having problems with selecting variants. See the link in the site URL. Site password is InnerSpark

      There is stock available on 2 variants but the availability showing on the site doesn’t match the availability in the admin.

      Tell me what I need to know to give you access. This is a development site. I’m needing to show this to client in 36 hours so I need a fix by then.

    • #24994

      When a variant is sold out I still see the “add to cart” button. If I click to add a sold out variant to the cart, I get a popup with “array contains unpermitted members: id(bad_request): array contains unpermitted members: id”

    • #25108

      URGENT! Please Reply.

    • #25191


      We’re so sorry for the delay on response. I have sent you a store access request, please check your email or Shopify admin to approve the request so we can take a deeper look and help you solve this problem.

    • #25196

      Thank You!

      I have accepted. Please update me ASAP. We are supposed to launch this for our client today, obviously that isn’t going to happen but I need to move quickly.

      Thanks for your help.

      Please let me know what you find.

    • #25198


      I have fixed the problem for you, please check.

    • #25200

      Still not working correctly.

      Please see https://btg-auburn.myshopify.com/products/salty-knot-top

      This has 6 variants as shown below:

      It will NOT allow me to order any of them now, even though 2 are in stock.

    • #25201

      I have checked again and fixed the problem, please check.

    • #25204

      Still not working!

      It shows ALL variants as “Sold Out” Please see https://btg-auburn.myshopify.com/products/salty-knot-top?variant=14271931678831

      and refer to stock as attached above.

    • #25302

      Please clear your browser cache and try once again. It’s working normally

    • #26211

      We are still having an issue with this problem.

      When the first variant is out of stock it doesn’t always show that it is out of stock. When the customer adds it to the cart, it ends up adding the next available variant, not the one that the customer thought they were adding.

      Example – https://btgauburn.com/products/chinese-laundry-oahu-wedge-in-camel?variant=14272870088815

      Size 6 is currently out of stock, but I have an “add to cart” button. When I click it, I end up with a size 8 in my cart.

    • #26216


      I check your site and the size 6 now out of stock and not available to add to cart http://prntscr.com/lci10p

      and size 8 available to add to cart http://prntscr.com/lci1e9 please try clear cache on your browser and check again.


      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #26217

      Did you make a change?  My client is complaining that this is happening repeatedly. They routinely have a large number of items out of stock.  I’ll ask for more examples to send you but this is more than a cache problem. It shouldn’t add a size to the cart other than what was displayed.

    • #26218


      I didn’t change anything. Could you ask your client clear cache before check.

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #26220

      They have received over a dozen orders where the customer thought they had added one size or color to their cart but actually had added a different size or color, resulting in the wrong merchandise being shipped. I can’t have every shopper clear their cache. In each instance, the item that the shopper wanted was actually our of stock, yet they were presented with an add to cart button.

      I have asked for other item url’s and will post them when I get them.

    • #26238


      This is another. Misty Rose color is out of stock in small but that is the default selection and I am presented an Add to Cart button but when I add it, it actually adds a small Black.

    • #26315

      Please Reply!

    • #26428

      Still looking for a reply

    • #26591

      PLEASE REPLY!!!!

    • #26592


      Sorry for the late response. We found the solution and fixed this issue on your store, please kindly check.

      Thank you

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