Home Forums Themes Support Gecko Product images issue

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    • #7918


      I’ve resized all of the product images in my site to the recommended 670 x870 but I notice that one of them doesn’t look as it should. The stone & Bottle image is more cropped then the others. I’m not sure how to fix this. Can you please help me out with this? Thanks.

      I also notice a large gap in between the product images and the title of the images on the home page, can you also tell me how to fix this? Thanks again.

    • #7923


      I checked your setting for product image in WooCommerce > Settings > Product > Display. It wrong

      We recommend setting for product images dimension have same ratio with original images

      Example your original 670 x 870

      – Catalog images will be 270 x 350 ( 270 x 870 ~= 350 x 670 )
      – Single product image: 570 x 740
      – Thumbnail image: 160 x 207

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #7970


      I fixed the dimensions of each but the image with the bottle/stone is still not showing as it should. I also still have a large gap between the products and the title on the home page.

      Can you please help me to fix these things? Thanks.


    • #7975


      sorry i lost give a next step after change image dimension,

      After changed the size you need go to Tools > Regenerate Thumbnail

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #7976

      No worries, thanks.

    • #7978

      I still see a large space between the product images and the title on the home page. I can’t figure out how to fix that. Can you help me out with this please? Thanks.

    • #7981

      I fixed it. It looks better now. Thanks.

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