Home Forums Themes Support HelpDesk Several questions regarding design and demo import

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    • #3120

      Hi there,

      I recently bought your theme and I’m running into several problems.

      1. I’ve seen how to change the colors in the theme options, but is there any way to just change the button colors (like the My account button in the header navigation)

      2. Where can I change the fonts for the navigation and the button (header navigation)?

      3. The demo importer just imported about 9 pages. I guess this is not everything…How can I install the rest. I’m only interested in the pages from the http://janstudio.net/helpdesk/.

      4. I have setup F.A.Qs but I dont have any clue how to implement them on pages. Maybe the missing demo pages will gimme a hint on how to do that. Cause when I preview my F.A.Qs nothing is shown…

      5. I’ve attached an account so you can take a look at it. If you can manage to import the missing pages without messing up my recent work would be great.





    • #3121

      Hi Kai,

      Thank you for your purchase

      1. At this moment, our theme option does not parameter to config button only, please use this custom CSS code

      input[type="submit"], button, a.button { background: your_color; }

      2. Please use this code
      .jas-menu > li > a { font-family: your_font; }
      .jas-account-menu a { font-family: your_font; }

      3. I have just checked on your site, the sample data was installed successful with all our demo page, I gotta wonder, what are the missed you talk here?

      4. I have setup the sample for you, please check

      Best regards

    • #3124


      1. Can I change the text color on the my account and search button to white as well via CSS? Then I would need the code for this as well 🙂

      2. Ok then I have something to play around with.

      3. Im looking for the pages like: http://support.janstudio.net/videos/. I’m currently not getting how they get generated..But I think not via the pages. When I look at the extra sections like FAQ and preview the site no FAQS are shown…

      4. Where? A page? a module? 🙂


    • #3125

      1. Please use this code to change color of button

      input[type="submit"], button, a.button { color: your_color; }

      3. Please see this image to find the way http://take.ms/BhfBE
      4. You can check this page http://docs.vreo.io/faq/


    • #3126

      Ahhh got it. Now I know how your whole theme is working. We can call it All Problems solved for now.


      Thanks for the fast help

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by knitsche.
    • #3128

      Great to hear that, If you have any other problems, please open new ticket.
      Thank you


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