Home Forums Themes Support Claue Shop customization

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    • #3636


      I need your support to customize shop page. I have started with fullwidth shop demo page, it’ll be my home page.

      I attach a screenshot. There are three arrows on it to point to problems I want to solve.

      I appreciate your help and time for me.

      1. Into the header I’d like to upload an image with a bigger height. If I upload it by theme option it is resized and cutted. Is it possible to replace it with a meta slider?

      2. How Could I remove the text “Front end” from breadcrumb?

      3. I know how to resize text under category product (from he configuration), but I ‘d like to center this text. Could you help me giving exact css rules.

      Thanks for your attention.





    • #3637


      Thank you for purchase!

      I help you.

      1. Change page header by metaslider

      2. Disable breadcrumbs

      You can check setting in page layout options ( i disabled page title and breadcrumb)


      3. To make the title of categories center you can add custom css in Claue > Theme Options > General Layout > Custom CSS

      .product-category, .jas-banner { text-align: center;}

      Best regards


      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #3638

      Thanks for your fast and fantastic support. All it’s ok.

      Only the plus sign near menu on left sidebar is hidden now.



    • #3639


      You can add custom css

      .widget ul.product-categories li { padding-left: 15px; position: relative; }

      .widget ul.product-categories li::before { color: #222; content: “+”; left: 0; position: absolute; }

      best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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