Home Forums Themes Support Claue Slider Question

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    • #3374

      I have two questions:

      1. Can we replace without Meta Slider with Slider Revolution without breaking any part of the theme?
      2. In the Slider, the image takes the center position, I would like each slider to have a different background colour instead of the grey part. Can you please confirm how to go about that, or the right code to include in the meta slider ‘General’ area for each slider to control each slide’s background.


    • #3379

      Thank you for purchase!

      1.You can replace Meta Slider with Slider Revolution without any problem.

      2. For the row contain slider you can add background if you image is .png or can set slider full-width https://monosnap.com/file/zRVWXQ6Wk8MBxDaIhcE1H0beok3vUk#

      best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #3384

      Meta Slider is very limiting, I have installed Slider Revolution, thanks, you can close this topic. Cheers!

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