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    • #30040
      1. Remove decimals after the point. How?
      2. Change the colour product price. How?


      1. Instagram feeds don’t appear on the home. It was working fine earlier.

      Looking for a help asap.

    • #30157

      Hi @waldat,

      We have a few problems to sort out. I’m so sorry for the late response. Back to your questions:

      1. Please navigate to Shopify Settings / General and scroll down to Store currency section to config it
      2. Use the custom code below to change color of price
        .product__price--sale { color: red; } /* Color for sale price */
        .product__price--original { color: blue; } /* Color for regular price */
      3. Instagram issue: I have just checked everything is working normally, can you please explain a little bit more?
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