Home Forums Themes Support Claue-Shopify Thumbnail product image issue..

Topic Resolution: Resolved
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    • #20393

      1.Thumbnail position Lesft and Right has smallest on mobile.

      2.Thumbnail position Lesft and Right show Thumbnail image product Repeat on desktop.

      (I want to have the Thumbnail position bottom.)

      3.How to resize main image product, it to large.


      thank you

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    • #20418

      I have fixed the problem #1, #2 for you. Regarding #3 issue, we will make the option to adjust product image in the next update. Please stay tuned.

      Thank you

    • #20419

      Reply quickly.
      My problem has been fix.
      thank you 😀

    • #20421

      You are welcome. Is there anything else I can help you?

    • #20436

      No problem right now.

      If I have problems, I will ask for help again. ;D

      thank you

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