Home › Forums › Themes Support › Claue-Shopify › Thumbnails for just one variant
- This topic has 27 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 6 months ago by
June 18, 2018 at 1:55 pm #21693
I have an issue using the following configuration:
– Claue V1.0.4 for Shopify
– Two columns with image carousel
– Color and size variants
– Images just for color variantsFor example in the following scenario:
– I have a product with 3 color variants and 6 size variants
– I only uploaded 3 images corresponding to each color variant (e.g. black, white, green)
– For each variant combination, the image associated depends only on the color. For example, product Black/Small uses exactly the same image as Black/Large.The problem is:
1. The product page shows 18 thumbnails (3 colors by 6 sizes).
2. The thumbnails are not working right, whenever one is clicked, the main image either changes to blank (no image), or to the right image (e.g. black thumbnail shows black main image), or to a different image (e.g. black thumbnail shows green image).
3. The selection of color and size swatches shows randomly any of the 3 images as main image, for example if you select White/Small swatches, the main image could turn out to be the green one.Behavior I´m looking for:
1. Show just thumbnails for the color variant (3 thumbnails in this example).
2. The thumbnails are to be just controlled by the color swatches. Size swatches should not affect the thumbnail behavior or the main image.
3. I tried the Debut (default shopify template) and it works as I expect (the thumbnails behavior and main image changes just when the a color variant is changed, size variant does not affect), so I´m sure that the problem is not the product configuration/variants.I´m sorry if this is a resolved issue, I tried to look for it but didn’t find one.
Thanks and regards.
June 23, 2018 at 10:06 pm #21877
I’m sorry for the late response. Can you please provide me your store URL? I will send you store access request, please approve so we can take a closer look at this issue.-
June 26, 2018 at 8:18 am #21960This reply has been marked as private.
June 29, 2018 at 9:56 pm #22080This reply has been marked as private.
July 4, 2018 at 5:31 am #22235This reply has been marked as private.
July 9, 2018 at 10:15 pm #22440
Hi Chris,
We are so sorry for missed this ticket. I have sent the store access request, please kindly check your email and accept, I will help you setup an example product. -
July 10, 2018 at 10:13 am #22457
Access granted, thanks.
July 12, 2018 at 10:04 pm #22601
Hi Chris,
I have setup an example product for you here, please check https://cannytees.com/products/new-product
July 12, 2018 at 10:18 pm #22602
Hi, thanks!
July 13, 2018 at 5:52 am #22637
Hi, I noticed that this solution works well as long as the size is not changed (is kept in Small), else a change in the color swatch does not changes the main image. I understand why is this happening, and perhaps is not a big deal, but it could be confusing for the end user, is there a way to make it work for all the sizes?
Chris -
July 14, 2018 at 2:25 pm #22712
Hi Chris,
I understood your idea, let me think and find the solution for this. I will get back to you soon with any updates on this.
July 16, 2018 at 3:01 am #22790
Hey Guys,
I am at the same point with my project and just came to the board to post and found that Chris already did a 100% accurate job detailing my exact issues:
- Show just thumbnails for the color variant (3 thumbnails in this example).
- The thumbnails are to be just controlled by the color swatches. Size swatches should not affect the thumbnail behavior or the main image.
- I tried the Debut (default shopify template) and it works as I expect (the thumbnails behavior and main image changes just when the a color variant is changed, size variant does not affect), so I´m sure that the problem is not the product configuration/variants.
So I think we can all agree that changing the size certainly should not impact the photo shown as it does, and with my 3rd color variation (of 4) I also just get a blank as Chris found as well.
As for a potential solution to #1, which is showing ONLY the relevant thumbnails for each color variant… I am the guy, Harry (if this is you reading this), that had reached out to you before buying this template as I had purchased Claue from Themeforest in Spring 2017 – THAT version of Claue did have a means of delivering on what Chris is looking for which is only displaying relevant thumbs for each color variant. I have looked back and it’s far too complicated for me to parse out how exactly they accomplished that and while that would be great to have again so perhaps you can talk to whomever you might know over at Tea Themes and accomplished that in their version of the template.
Anyway while that would be great, my most immediate concern is 2 fold:
- Changing size should NOT change the images.
- The changing should be reciprocal. That is, when say the ‘Green’ swatch is selected it shows the green photo (obviously), but then as you use the < > arrows on the carousel, the selector should also change on the color swatch so that the highlighted color always matches the displayed photo. Makes sense, right?
Please advise! Thanks in advance.
July 16, 2018 at 4:13 am #22792
fwiw, I just found what is a highly simple implementation, which I tested per the instructions on the free ‘Simple’ theme (took 90 seconds) and works perfectly but as it seems there is something out of whack with our liquid files re: swatches our template doesn’t respond to the additional bits of code…
July 17, 2018 at 10:27 pm #22893
Hi Guys,
We found the solution to fix those issues. A new version includes bug fixes and improvements will be released soon, please kindly stay tuned.
July 21, 2018 at 12:09 am #22996
Hi, sorry for the impatience, any word on when this new version is going to be released?
July 30, 2018 at 8:12 am #23376
Hey guys, also wanted to follow up on Chris’s follow-up here? Any timeline on a new release that corrects the variant issue? I also posted this string in which Foster mentioned that the next update would also include popup and or search functionality that I suggested : to http://support.janstudio.net/forums/topic/1-variant-issue-seen-on-claue-demo-2-search-display-3-popup-options/
July 31, 2018 at 11:50 pm #23479
Any word on the update?
August 2, 2018 at 1:33 am #23530
In the meantime, could you point us in the right direction on how we could work this out in the current version? thanks!
August 6, 2018 at 6:56 pm #23634
Hey Chris –
You know, these guys must be on summer holiday. It’s not like Harry or the others to have such significant lag between responding to posts on the forum and what’s more I even emailed Harry directly last week and haven’t gotten a reply. In the past he has almost always responded basically immediately. Further I see that there has been no activity on any of their boards or any of the existing threads (not just ours) in almost 2 weeks.
That said, I’m fully confident that they will eventually get back to us and release the update that they indicated was in the works. However, have you come up with a work around in the interim? I can basically manipulate CSS and html to look any way that I’d like (my final site won’t even be recognizable as built on the Claue template) but all of the ‘fixes/improvements’ that I am waiting on involve functionality. Worst case scenario, if I don’t hear back from Harry or we haven’t seen any activity on the boards in another week I’m going to go ahead and essentially attempt to ‘Frankenstein’ in liquid code from one or more of the free Shopify themes to, at the very least, correct the dropdown selectors and image variant issues. Whether or not it will work is beyond me at this point – manipulating and splicing in random liquid code is not my thing but I should be able to figure it out.
It’s not an ideal fix and I’m not overly excited about taking on such a task but I have WAY too much work into this theme at this point to start from scratch! Any thoughts on your end?
August 6, 2018 at 8:40 pm #23641
Hi Guys,
We’re so sorry for the delay on this. We’ve submitted the new version to Themeforest today and we’re waiting for the approval from Themeforest, please kindly stay tuned.
Foster from JanStudio
August 7, 2018 at 5:24 am #23651
Where are these options in the ‘customize’ backend? I don’t see options for either of these from the changelog in general settings , product images, product page, etc. – can’t find them ANYWHERE:
New feature: Add option to change product variant when change product thumbnail.
New feature: Add option to disable slick slider when change product variant.I even did a diff check on settings_schema.json between 1.05 and 1.06 and don’t see any change that would provide for these two features. The only difference is the version line and the “Don’t change the product images of the below type:” area.
And I hate to be the bearer of bad news but unfortunately this update does not correct the variant image switching problem AT ALL. I did a fresh install of 1.06 – ZERO modifications to any template or even CSS and it behaves the same exact same way. You select different colors from the drop down and it’s either the wrong image or just a blank – see attachments :
1 = correct for gold (photo of the bracelet)
2= WRONG (I have a pink square in there as a Rose Gold placeholder image)
2 = WRONG (I have a silver square in there as a Rhodium placeholder image)
4= WRONG (I have a yellow square in there as a Brass placeholder image)
I’m really at a loss here guys – this is one of the most integral parts of any shopify template. I’m not sure how you can sell 200 copies of this thing and it doesn’t even work and that’s AFTER waiting 3 weeks for this ‘update’. We aren’t even close to Chris’s request of displaying only variant images for the selected color option when 1.06 still doesn’t even function properly for basic variant switching.
Is this something that you guys are at some point going to actually correct or are all 200 of us on our own?
And the search function, even on your own demo is unusable – search for ‘shirt’ and the search function becomes 100% unusable to where you can’t even manually delete out the search word and do another search. I could have rebuilt the search myself these last couple weeks but thought it most wise to wait for the pros to do it and this 1.06 is the result? Did anyone even test the thing?
I apologize for being frustrated but come on fellas – and now the price is up to $60? It’s just not right to be selling this if three of the most basic selling points of the template do not even function correctly : (variant switching and search) or without being a nuisance to site visitors (the subscribe pop up on every page every refresh with no control over frequency options in our backend).
Please advise as to where the two new features I started this note with above can be found within the Claue Customize backend and most importably please advise as to whether any of these issues, most importantly the variant switching, will actually be corrected in short order or if we should simply find an alternative to Claue.
Thank you.
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August 7, 2018 at 8:34 am #23656
did a NEW fresh install of 1.06, no liquid, html or CSS modifications. and here is another example of it being whacky with an entirely new sample product. in this example I’ve included the address bar so you can see that the variant is indeed changing but the colors don’t even match with the images and again we see a blank (no image at all) on the 3rd variant – please see attachments (these are different than the 4 attachments in my earlier post – this is an entirely different sample product.
Just wanted to pass along a second example. I would create an admin account so you can have access to my backend but it won’t be just me given that what you are seeing in the attachments is again, a fresh install of 1.06, ZERO modifications to CSS, liquid, html, js or even in the Customization dashboard.
I look forward to any kind of guidance / support / etc. that you are able to pass along.
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August 12, 2018 at 2:22 am #23761
Hi Ryan,
I tried to mess a little with the code without much success and I just couldn´t wait anymore so I had to change to a new theme completely. I´m very sorry because now that I´m using this new theme (which works as expected) I´m able to say that these guys (JansStudio´s) have achieve a lot in a very practical and easy to learn way, compared to the new theme I´m using, Claue theme has perhaps 90% of the features but it is way much simpler to customize and understand, so I think they are on the right path. I´m sorry if I cannot be of much help going forward.
Chris -
August 12, 2018 at 3:30 pm #23768
Hi Ryan,
I have sent you a store access request, please check your email and approve so I will take a closer look at this issue. Regarding the problem that you have, we completely fixed in version 1.0.6. You can check the demo here https://claue-dev.myshopify.com/products/roxy-andie-jacket-201-womens
It seems something just wasn’t right here.
Did you check the latest version of Claue theme?
August 12, 2018 at 6:59 pm #23774
yes, whatever you have at this url (https://claue-dev.myshopify.com/products/roxy-andie-jacket-201-womens) seems to work just fine but WHATEVER is uploaded to themeforest as v.1.06 results in the continued mishandling of the variants as demonstrated by my attached files in the previous posts.
again, fresh install, no modifications to CSS, liquid, js, or html and it does not work as your claue-DEV example above does.
I have accepted your request for access and modified it to be ‘complete access’ but obviously what you will be working in is my highly customized nearly complete website NOT the unmodified fresh install of 1.06. I just did that to test if the clean install still replicated the same errors I was getting in my modified site and I did.
And Chris bailed – had to buy a different template because whatever was released as the last update did NOT correct anything. I’m in too deep. I need this one to work.
August 13, 2018 at 1:26 am #23792
Hi Ryan,
I have just updated a little bit code in the JS file and it’s working fine now. I don’t know why the package that you downloaded on Themeforest has some differences with our code.
August 13, 2018 at 1:33 am #23793
So can you send me the update or send me the updated js? my email is [email protected] or do I have to wait until it posts to Themeforest. I’m almost certain that the update that was sent to Themeforest as 1.06 wasn’t what you meant to send. For example, please refer to and respond to my initial point as originaly posted in thread #23651 :
Where are these options in the ‘customize’ backend? I don’t see options for either of these from the changelog in general settings , product images, product page, etc. – I can’t find them ANYWHERE:
New feature: Add option to change product variant when change product thumbnail.
New feature: Add option to disable slick slider when change product variant.I even did a diff check on settings_schema.json between 1.05 and 1.06 and don’t see any change that would provide for these two features. The only difference is the version line and the “Don’t change the product images of the below type:” area.
Lol, my head will explode if I download 1.06 again, do another fresh install just to test and the variant switching still does not work like it does in your “claue-dev” example!!
Please advise.
Thanks Foster,
August 13, 2018 at 8:32 pm #23820
Hi Ryan,
Please wait for a new version on Themeforest, version 1.0.7 includes some bug fixes will be released today.
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