Home Forums Themes Support Gecko Translation not working for some words in Woocommerce Checkout (spanish)

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    • #1750


      My site is in Spanish (I need it only in this language). I’m having inconveniences since there are just a few words that appear in English.
      I checked the translation files in Spanish (woocommerce-es_ES) and these words are already translated, so I can not deduce what is causing this problem.

      The words without translation appears in the Woocommerce checkout (Product, Price, Quantity) and My Account in the menu.

      Can you help me with this inconvenience?

      Thanks in advance!

    • #1753


      Thank you for purchase!

      You can follow our tutorial at http://support.janstudio.net/forums/topic/theme-translation/

      Some text strings in theme so you need to translate theme to your language.

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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