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    • #14610


      I noticed that when I am adding a product to my cart, I have 3 options : I can keep on shopping, I can go to payment page or I can click on the little cross on the right corner of the popup.

      If I take the last option (click on the right corner), the product doesn’t appear in my cart (I still see a “0” instead of a “1”) and I need to reload the page for it to appear. I’m afraid my clients won’t reload the page and think that the website is not working well. (see attached it will be clearer)

      I asked the woofrance community for help and they recommended to add a plugin or something that would enable me to add ajax on my website but to be honest I’m not clear with what it means or how it works.

      Do you think you could help with this please ?

      Many thanks,

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    • #14631


      Thank you for report. We will check and find solution.

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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