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    • #28827

      Hi Harry,

      I realized that when the plugin WooCommerce Variation Swatch is available the variable products has an option to have a multiple product gallery for any color.

      I know how to setup variable products, there is a main gallery for forst images when you come to variable product page,

      and every variation has a main image, and any color can have a multiple image.

      all of there are fine.

      but I realized the when I change the variations like color or size, the images are not shown like they should be.

      I checked the back-end of the product all are fine but in the loading of the product, this happens.

      Look these images:

      the main gallery of the product: http://prntscr.com/mj2g46

      the gallery for white color: http://prntscr.com/mj2g9w

      the gallery for pink color: http://prntscr.com/mj2ge7

      and both white and pink variable products, have their own images for all variations like this:

      white color: http://prntscr.com/mj2gqf

      pink color: http://prntscr.com/mj2gw2

      and watch this video: https://monosnap.com/file/aVMu9QqvFoFDAXgqQgZMYDatxlGlUf

      This the product: https://look.ir/Y0OE

      Rahim Vaziri
      CEO & Founder at Look.ir

    • #28828

      To recreate the issue, choose one color and size, then change the color.

      You will see the the image gallery will not be changed for the color.


      Rahim Vaziri
      CEO & Founder at Look.ir

    • #28829

      And this is happening for all of my variable products on my site.

      Another product: https://look.ir/Tu10


      Rahim Vaziri
      CEO & Founder at Look.ir

    • #28832

      Hi Rahim,

      Please download attach file and replace in claue > core > libraries > vendors > wcvs

      Kind regards

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    • #28836

      Oh, Thank you so much Harry.

      Reporting this bug with these images and recording video was so hard like writhing an article. 😀

      But when I see this bug is solved by you I feel happy. 🙂

      Thank you Harry.

      Rahim Vaziri
      CEO & Founder at Look.ir

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