Home Forums Themes Support Gecko Weird pages showing in my site

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    • #39267


      I’m using an app called Hotjar to track the visits to my site. I am seeing page/visit recordings of pages that don’t technically exist in my site, at least I don’t think they do. I didn’t create them. Can you please tell me how to fix this strange issue? Thanks.


      A recording of a site visit:



      And this is the response Hotjar gave to me:

      “From what I can see of these pages, it looks like your site reacts to adding different query strings to the URLs, which changes the content of the page. For example, if you visit this page:

      It will look different than if you visit it with the query string:

      Perhaps that’ll offer some clues to your devs when they look into this”.


      • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Cairs_nic.
    • #39271
      This reply has been marked as private.

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