Home Forums Themes Support Claue Widgets menu is very dificult to undestand, Why is diferent? How can reverse?

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    • #42326

      The new style Widgets menu (in block) is hard to make something.

      Why make something be more dificult?

      Im  a old person,  Im tired see only more complicate, to do something in the webstore ecopmmerce, etc.


      I whish the old style, How can make ?

      Esteban - indiafactorybr.com.br

    • #42328

      Hi Esteaban,

      I also hate the new style of widget. It new update of WordPress team.

      Please use plugin to restore classic widget style https://wordpress.org/plugins/restore-classic-widgets/

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #42333

      Thank, its work normal now, thank again,.
      Cab close the eopic if you wish.

      Esteban - indiafactorybr.com.br

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